SSC CPO Syllabus 2023: Check Subject-wise Topics, Exam Pattern, Books, Preparation Strategy Here

Jagran Josh

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts the SSC CPO recruitment in four stages i.e Paper-I, Physical Standard Test (PST)/Physical Endurance Test (PET), Paper-II and Detailed Medical Examination (DME) for Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces.

Get All Details About SSC CPO Syllabus Here.

Get All Details About SSC CPO Syllabus Here.

SSC CPO Syllabus 2023: The Staff Selection Commission conducts SSC CPO recruitment in four stages i.e  Paper-I, Physical Standard Test (PST)/Physical Endurance Test (PET), Paper-II and Detailed Medical Examination (DME) for Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces. Aspirants preparing for this upcoming exam should be well acquainted with the latest syllabus and exam pattern to understand the subject-wise topics and maximize their chances of scoring high marks. 

In this article, we have shared the SSC CPO syllabus pdf for the written exam along with the exam pattern, preparation tips, and best books in detail.

SSC CPO 2023 Overview

We have shared below the overview of the exam for all the aspirants who will appear in the upcoming SSC CPO recruitment process.

Career Counseling

Conducting Body

Staff Selection Commission

Post Name

Sub-Inspector (GD) in CAPFs

Sub-Inspector (Executive) – (Male/Female) in Delhi Police

Exam Mode


Marking Scheme

+ 1 mark for every correct response

-0.25 mark for each incorrect answer

Selection Process

Paper-I, Physical Standard Test (PST)/Physical Endurance Test (PET), Paper-II and Detailed Medical Examination (DME)

SSC CPO Syllabus 2023 Section-Wise

Candidates preparing for the upcoming SSC CPO 2023 exam can check the SSC CPO syllabus pdf below. We have also compiled all the subject-wise topics for Paper I & Paper II below: 

SSC CPO Syllabus for Paper I

The SSC CPO paper I syllabus comprises four subjects i.e General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension. Check the detailed syllabus for the SSC CPO paper I exam shared below.


SSC CPO Paper I Topics

General Intelligence and Reasoning

Non-verbal type


Similarities and differences

Space visualization

Spatial orientation




Decision making

Visual memory



Relationship concepts

Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification

Arithmetic number series

Non-verbal series

Coding and decoding

Statement conclusion

Syllogistic reasoning etc. 

Verbal type

Semantic analogy

Symbolic/Number analogy

Figural analogy

Semantic classification

Symbolic/ Number classification

Figural classification

Semantic series

Number series

Figural series


Word building

Coding & de-coding

Numerical operations

Symbolic operations


Space orientation

Space visualization

Venn diagrams

Drawing inferences

Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding

Figural pattern folding and completion


Address matching

Date & city matching classification of centre codes/ roll numbers

Small & capital letters/ numbers coding, decoding and classification

Embedded figures

Critical thinking

Emotional intelligence

Social intelligence, etc

General Knowledge and General Awareness

Current affairs


Books & authors


Awards and honours


Important dates

Scientific research, etc

Quantitative Aptitude


Ratio and proportion

Square root



Profit & loss


Partnership business

Mixture and alligation

Time and distance

Time & work

Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds

Graphs of linear equations

Triangle and its various kinds of centres

Congruence and similarity of triangles

Circle and its chords, tangents

angles subtended by chords of a circle

common tangents to two or more circles



Regular polygons


Right prism

Right circular cone

Right circular cylinder



Rectangular parallelepiped

Regular right pyramid with triangular or square base

Trigonometric ratio

Degree and radian measures

Standard identities

Complementary angles

Heights and distances


Frequency polygon

Bar diagram & pie chart

English Comprehension

Reading comprehension




Para jumbles

Fill in the blanks

Verbal ability

Active and passive voice

Error correction, etc

SSC CPO Syllabus for Paper II

The SSC CPO paper II syllabus comprises one subject i.e English language & comprehension. Check the detailed syllabus shared below.


SSC CPO Paper II Topics

English Language and Comprehension

Error recognition

Filling in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles, etc.)




Sentence structure



Sentence completion

Phrases and idiomatic use of words

Comprehension, etc.

SSC CPO Exam Pattern

Candidates should check the SSC CPO exam pattern to understand the paper structure, number of questions, and marking scheme defined by the commission. Have a look at the exam pattern of paper I & paper II shared below:

SSC CPO Exam Pattern 2023 for Paper I

  • The SSC CPO paper I exam will be conducted online mode.
  • All the questions asked in the exam will be multiple choice type.
  • Questions will be set in Hindi and English in parts-I, II, and III of paper-I.
  • As per the marking scheme, 1 mark will be awarded for every correct response and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in paper-I.



Number of Question

Maximum Marks



General Intelligence and Reasoning



2 Hours


General Knowledge and General Awareness




Quantitative Aptitude




English Comprehension



SSC CPO Exam Pattern 2023 for Paper II

  • The SSC CPO paper II exam will be conducted online mode.
  • All the questions asked in the exam will be multiple choice type.
  • As per the marking scheme, 1 mark will be awarded for every correct response and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in paper II.


Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

Time Duration

English language & Comprehension



2 Hours

SSC CPO Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Endurance Test (PET)

Have a look at the physical standard test (PST) and physical endurance test (PET) requirements for SSC CPO exam shared below:

Physical Standard Test (for all Posts)

Category of candidates

Height (in cm)

Chest (in cm)



Male candidates except those listed at S No (ii) and (iii)




Candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions, North-Eastern States and Sikkim. 




All candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes




Female candidates except those listed at S No (v) and (vi)


Female candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions, NorthEastern States and Sikkim


All female candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes


Physical Endurance Test (PET) (For all posts)

For male candidates

  • 100-metre race in 16 seconds
  • 6 kms race in 6.5 minutes
  • Long jump: 3.65 metres in 3 chances
  • High jump: 1.2 metres in 3 chances
  • Shot put (16 Lbs): 4.5 metres in 3 chances 

For female candidates

  • 100-metre race in 18 seconds 
  • 800-metre race in 4 minutes
  • Long jump: 2.7 metres in 3 chances 
  • High jump: 0.9 metres in 3 chances.

There shall be no minimum requirement for chest measurement for female aspirants.

How to Prepare for SSC CPO Syllabus

The SSC CPO exam is one of the toughest exams in the country. Lakhs of candidates apply for the exam every year, however, only a few thousands of them are able to crack the exam owing to their robust preparation plan, hard work, and consistency. Have a look at SSC CPO preparation tips and tricks to ace the written exam with flying colours shared below:

  • Download the syllabus before commencing the preparation. This will help them to get an idea of the topics from which questions are asked and determine how many study hours they must allocate to all the topics every day to finish the syllabus on the decided time.
  • Choose the most reliable books recommended by experts and previous toppers. It is important to clear the basic concepts as it will help them to understand the advanced level topics easily. However, avoid reading too many books as it would create confusion.
  • Do a SWOT analysis of your strong and weak areas in each topic. Strengthen your strong areas while working on your weak areas as well to keep your basics strong.
  • Attempt the previous year’s question paper and mock tests to assess your preparation level. Solving mock papers will help them to understand the actual exam format and improve speed & accuracy in the actual exam.
  • Stick to your study plan to have enough space for revision time. Always keep yourself updated with the latest current affairs and latest developments to score high marks in the GA section.

Best Books for SSC CPO Syllabus

Candidates should pick the latest edition of the SSC CPO books to perform well in the exam. The subject-wise books for the exam are shared below:


Book Name


General Knowledge and General Awareness

General Knowledge

Manohar Pandey

English Comprehension

Objective General English

SP Bakshi

Quantitative Aptitude

Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive exams

Abhijit Guha

General Intelligence and Reasoning

A modern approach to verbal Reasoning

RS Aggarwal


What is SSC CPO Syllabus?

The SSC CPO Syllabus PDF is divided into two papers. The SSC CPO Paper I syllabus comprises four subjects i.e General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Knowledge and General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension. On the other hand, the SSC CPO Paper II syllabus comprises one subject i.e English language & Comprehension.

Is there any negative marking in SSC CPO Syllabus 2023?

Yes. There will be negative markings in the SSC CPO exam. As per the marking scheme, 1 mark will be awarded for every correct response and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I & Paper II.

What is the pattern of the SSC CPO 2023?

As per the SSC CPO Syllabus Exam Pattern, paper I & paper II comprises Objective Type, Multiple choice questions. A total of 200 questions for 200 marks will be asked in both Paper I and Paper II. The exam duration of each paper shall be 2 hours.

How do I start my SSC CPO preparation?

To crack the SSC CPO on their first attempt, candidates should gain familiarity with the syllabus, prepare the study plan, and solve mock tests and previous years’ papers to revise the concepts.

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