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Haryana chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar continued his third and final day tour of Jan Samvad (public dialogue) programmes in Kurukshetra district on Wednesday. The CM visited Barna, Thana and Karah Sahib villages in Pehowa area.
CM Khattar announced in Karah Sahib village of Pehowa that shortage of Punjabi subject teachers will be fulfilled soon.
“For this (fulfilling the shortage of Punjabi teachers), the teachers will have to teach some other subjects along with Punjabi subjects. The recruitment process will be started soon after completing the formalities”, said CM Khattar.
He took this decision after listening to the candidates who passed Punjabi PGT and HTET during his dialogue with the public at Karah Sahib. Punjabi holds second language status in Haryana state.
Earlier, CM Khattar flagged off a Haryana roadway bus service from Pehowa to Karnal via Abhimanyupur and Anjanthali.
The CM ordered Kurukshetra deputy commissioner (DC) to renovate the office of Barna village panchayat. “All the gram panchayats must hold a panchayat meeting after every three months. The development works whose proposals will be passed and sent by village panchayats, will be completed under any circumstances”, the CM said at Barna village.
CM Khattar also appreciated 30 self help groups (SHGs) active in Barna village and interacted with the women running these groups.
Notably, about 30 SGHs working in Barna village have managed to save Rs 20 lakh from the self-generated employment opportunities in the field of selling milk, beauty parlour, boutique, clothes, dairy, utensil shops, etc.
Khattar said, “The self help groups of Barna village have not only become self-reliant but are also increasing the economic standard. These groups’ members are doing an excellent job in providing employment opportunities to the families who need it the most, along with taking care of their own families. Your efforts are pivotal in improving the needy families’ financial condition.”
The women told CM that providing self-employment they are playing a significant role in improving their economic condition.
At his Thana visit, the CM made an announcement on the complaint of an elderly woman about non-stopping of buses in the village. “At least 8 buses of Pehowa and Kurukshetra depot would have a stop in the village for the convenience of the citizens”, said CM Khattar.
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Jaskaran Singh
#Haryana #announces #conditionally #fulfill #shortage #Punjabi #teachers #Times #India