UP Farmer’s Daughter Scores 99.25% in CBSE 12th Result, Shares Secret to Obtaining 100 in English

Top Education-career News- News18.com

Aditi’s aim is to appear for the UPSC civil services exam and become an IAS officer

Notably, Aditi accomplished a remarkable feat in her class 12 CBSE board exam 2023 by scoring perfect 100 marks in English. She now wants to pursue a bachelor’s degree in either political science or history

Hailing from Nagla Raghu village in Mainpuri district, Uttar Pradesh, 17-year-old Aditi Singh has scored 99.25 per cent in the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) class 12 board results 2023. For her 12th exams, Aditi followed a well-planned and meticulous strategy. “I followed a strict routine that involved waking up at 5:30 AM and attending school from 7:30 AM until 1:45 PM,” she said.

While Aditi’s father Rajpal Singh is a farmer, her mother Geeta Devi looks after the domestic chores. She has an older brother, who is completing his BTech from Shiv Nadar University. Despite the challenges that come with a rural background, Aditi remained undeterred in her pursuit of excellence.

Also read| CBSE Class 12th School Toppers Shares Mantra on How to Score Above 99%

Aditi remained attentive throughout her classes and her teachers mentored her in setting weekly targets, alternating challenging chapters with easier ones, she told News18.com. “To ease the burden and stay on track, my teachers have mentored me in setting weekly targets, alternating challenging chapters with easier ones. Post my school hours I used to complete my homework. My teachers provided us with extra classes, where they helped us solve our queries on a daily basis. Along with my teacher’s added support, I did some self-study and would use to go to bed by 11 PM,” said the student from VidyaGyan Bulandshahr.

Notably, Aditi accomplished a remarkable feat in her class 12 CBSE board exam by scoring perfect 100 marks in English. Expressing her fondness for the subject, she said, “The subject that piques my interest the most is English. Who doesn’t like to read captivating stories and beautiful poems that certainly have a lesson to teach at the end? I’ve consistently received high marks in English. Students often take this subject lightly and end up losing marks. I ensured that I gave it equal weightage by reading the chapters numerous times and paying attention to the format of the writing portion. I think it all helped.”

Aditi’s aim is to appear for the UPSC civil services exam and become an IAS officer. “I want to contribute to the betterment of the nation,” she said. She is currently preparing for the CUET 2023 along with thoroughly reviewing the syllabus that she has already covered in classes 11 and 12.

“My academic aspiration is to pursue a bachelor’s degree in either political science or history. My top choices if I get into Delhi University are St Stephen’s, Hindu, or Lady Shri Ram College. Alternatively, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, would be my next choice if I am unsuccessful in getting admission to any of these colleges under Delhi University,” said Aditi.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, she encountered some difficulties in terms of obtaining a mobile phone with a sufficient internet connection to allow seamless online lessons and becoming acquainted with the virtual form of instruction to study for her class 10 board exams. However, with the help of her teachers and friends, Aditi was able to overcome the obstacles and earn an excellent score in class 10, she said. Aditi had scored 97.8 per cent in her class 10.

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