NIRF rankings 2023: IIT Madras, IISc Bengaluru, IIT Delhi, AIIMS Delhi get top rank – ET Government

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IIT Madras has bagged the first rank in the overall category.

The NIRF ranking for 2023 has been released today by Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Ministry of State (MoS), Education and External Affairs. This year also IIT Madras has bagged the first rank in the overall category. The Indian Institute of Science (IISC) has been judged as the best research institute. IIT Delhi has secured the third rank. In 2022, IIT Bombay had the third rank.

Only four categories, Overall, Colleges, Universities, and Research Institutions, and seven specific categories including Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Law, Medical, Architectural, and Dental were available till last year. This year, one more subject-specific ranking has been added to the NIRF 2023. i.e. Agriculture and Allied Sectors.

“We started NIRF with four categories. The aim was to improve the quality of higher education and help students make decisions. With the 8th edition, we now have 12 categories including 8 subject-specific rankings,” says Anil Kumar Nassa, member secretary of NBA (which prepares NIRF), at the event marking the release of NIRF rankings.

This year also All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi (AIIMS Delhi) has topped the list of medical colleges ranking 2023. The central government-run institute has been the best medical college in the country ever since the medical category was introduced in the NIRF India ranking in 2018. In the dental college category, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai has grabbed the top position again.

  • Published On Jun 5, 2023 at 02:37 PM IST

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By bpci

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