Jamia Millia Islamia Announces Two Short-Term Courses In Electronics, Drone Production

Top Education-career News- News18.com

Each course has a total of 30 seats available, and enrolment will be based on a first-come, first-served basis(File Photo)

The CIE will provide courses in Drone Manufacturing and Assembling Assistance, and Electronics Hardware Assembling pursuant to Prime Minister Kaushal Vikas Yojna

The Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) at Jamia Millia Islamia is currently accepting applications for two skill-based short-term courses in electronics and drone production. The CIE will provide courses in Drone Manufacturing and Assembling Assistance, and Electronics Hardware Assembling pursuant to Prime Minister Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY 4.0). Students will gain knowledge and practical skills in these industries that are developing through these courses.

Each course has a total of 30 seats available, and enrolment will be based on a first-come, first-served basis. Candidates must have completed their 12th grade (10+2) and have a scientific background, or they must have completed their diploma in engineering/ be enrolled in a B.Tech. or M.Tech. programme. Regular students, graduates, start-up founders in the same field, and working professionals wishing to expand their skill sets can enrol in the courses. The application for the short term courses can be submitted online at https://forms.gle/ehUNejjFrZr7CV6QA by June 30.

The inclusion of a new Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Work (BSW) degree from the academic year 2023–2024 has been announced by Jamia Millia Islamia in addition to these skill-based courses. This Bachelor programme will be managed by the JMI Department of Social Work. Prospective candidates may submit their applications online through the Controller of Examinations, JMI website at jmicoe.in till June 24 if they fulfil the qualifying requirements. From June 26 to June 27, candidates can use the website online to make corrections to their admission applications. The BSW admission exam is set to be conducted on July 15.

Candidates must obtain at least a 55 per cent grade point average (GPA) on a recognised board’s Senior Secondary School Certificate exam to be eligible for the BSW programme. The programme lasts eight semesters and has a total of twenty seats available. The annual fee for the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Work is Rs 7,200.

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#Jamia #Millia #Islamia #Announces #ShortTerm #Courses #Electronics #Drone #Production

By bpci

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