Chhattisgarh’s SCERT develops digital education content in 36 subjects – ET Government

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Apart from YouTube, the content is also uploaded on the website of Chhattisgarh’s SECRT.

Chhattisgarh’s State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) body has developed digital content in 36 subjects for students between class 9 and 12. This initiative to improve access to education has been taken under the vision of ‘Padhai Tuhar Dwar.’

So far SCERT has developed digital content of about 1,77,000 minutes. With support form the Centre, SCERT is taking initiatives for promoting digital education through TV channels. The trails for this mode of learning will begin from June this year.

“Apart from creating the content, we have uploaded videos in a YouTube channel named PTD (Padhai Tuhar Dwar). The channel has 85,000 subscribers,” said Dipankar Bhowmick, Assistant Professor, SCERT. He informs that the uploaded content has been watched 7.30 lakh times.

Around 96 percent of content has been completed and the material uploaded. The remaining 4 percent content is expected to be completed and uploaded soon. “The SCERT team is working to develop 100 percent digital content,” he said.

The digital education content has been enriched using animation, videos, picture images, and text materials to sustain the interest of students. The subject experts selected for the creation of content belong to government and private schools as well as colleges.

“Our focus during the creation of content is that a student should be able to understand it easily,” Bhowmick said.

Apart from YouTube, the content is also uploaded on the website of Chhattisgarh’s SCERT.

“SCERT has its own studio where we shoot, dub, edit and perform other tasks related to the videos with the help of our technical staff. The subject experts also sit with the technical staff during the editing of the videos to support them and to ensure the quality of the final product. Before these are uploaded, the content is checked at multiple levels,” Bhowmick said.

Padhai Tunhar Dwar initiative was launched in Chhattisgarh during the period of Covid lockdown, when the schools were closed, to ensure that education of the students was not affected. Through the Padhai Tunhar Dwar portal, children are being taught online. They have access to facilities like e-classroom, study material, video lessons, educational games, online homework.

  • Published On May 28, 2023 at 09:42 AM IST

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By bpci

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