CBSE Class 10 Social Science Geography MCQs for Chapter 4 – Agriculture (Based on Revised Syllabus)

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 10 Agriculture MCQs: MCQs for Class 10 Geography Chapter 4 – Agriculture are provided in this article. These questions and answers are based on revised syllabus and are available for free PDF download.

CBSE Class 10 MCQs for Geography Chapter 4: Multiple Choice Type Questions (MCQs) form an important part of the study material required for practice and board exam preparations. With the help of MCQs, students can revise the major part of the syllabus in a short time. Moreover, MCQs have also become an important part of the new CBSE exam pattern. In almost all subject papers, the first section will comprise MCQs only weighing almost 20% of the total marks.

In this article, we have provided the important MCQs for CBSE Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 4 – Agriculture. These questions are created by the subject experts keeping in mind the deleted part of the Class 10 Social Science Syllabus and the rationalised NCERT content. Therefore, these questions will prove extremely helpful for the 2023-24 exam preparations. Check and download PDF copy of Class 10 Agriculture MCQs from this article.


CBSE Class 10 Social Science Deleted Syllabus 2023-24

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper 2023-24

MCQs for Class 10 Agriculture

1.Which of the following conditions is not a feature of primitive subsistence farming?

(a) Fertility of soil

(b) Monsoon

(c) Favourable atmosphere

(d) Sufficient capital

Answer: (d) Sufficient capital

2.Which one of the following describes a system of agriculture, where a single crop is grown on a large area?

(a) Shifting Agriculture

(b) plantation Agriculture

(c) horticulture

(d) Intensive Agriculture

Answer: (b) plantation Agriculture

3.Which of the following type of economic activity is agriculture?

(a) Secondary

(b) Primary

(c) Tertiary

(d) Organized

Answer: (b) Primary

4.Which one of the following is a rabi crop?

(a) Rice

(b) Gram

(c) Millets

(d) Gram

Answer: (b) Gram

5.Which of the following are plantation crops?

(a) Rice and maize

(b) Wheat and pulses

(c) Tea, coffee, banana and sugarcane

(d) Rice and Wheat

Answer: (c) Tea, coffee, banana and sugarcane

6.Choose the correctly matched pair about the agriculture in India from the following options:

(a) Rabi crops are sown- October to December

(b) Gram- paddy crops

(c) Aus, Aman and boro- Government schemes

(d) Kisaan credit card – Increased the production

Answer: (a) Rabi crops are sown- October to December

7.Which one of the following describes a system of agriculture where a single crop is grown on a large area?

(a) Shifting Agriculture

(b) Plantation Agriculture

(c) Horticulture

(d) intensive Agriculture

Answer: (b) Plantation Agriculture

8.What is “boro”?

(a) kharif crop

(b) zaid crop

(c) Rabi crop

(d) None of these

Answer: (a) kharif crop

9.Rearing of silk worms for the production of silk fibre is known as:

(a) Sericulture

(b) Aquaculture

(c) Viticulture

(d) Pisciculture

Answer: (a) Sericulture

10.Name the crop grown with the onset of monsoon in different parts of the country.

(a) Kharif Crop

(b)Rabi Crop

(c) Zaid

(d)None of the above

Answer: (a) Kharif Crop

11.Kharif:_______, Rabi: barley, zaid : watermelon

(a) Gram

(b) wheat

(c) oilseeds

(d) moong

Answer: (d) moong

12.Which of the following are plantation crops?

(a) Rice and maize

(b) Wheat and pulses

(c) Tea, coffee, banana and sugarcane

(d) Rice

and Wheat

Answer: (c) Tea, coffee, banana and sugarcane

13.Which is the ideal condition for the growth of sugarcane?

(a) Temperature of 21 to 27 degrees Celsius and an annual rainfall between 75cm and 100cm

(b) Temperature below 17 degree Celsius and 50to 75 CM of rainfall.

(c) Temperature of 25 degree Celsius and 200cm of rainfall.

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Temperature of 21 to 27 degrees Celsius and an annual rainfall between 75cm and 100cm

14.Choose the correctly matched pair about the major crops of India from the following options:

(a) Millets- North eastern part of the country

(b) Wheat- North western part of the country

(c) Pulse – South western part of the country

(d) Rice- South eastern part of the country

Answer: (b) Wheat- North western part of the country

15.Full form of KCC is

(a) Kissan Credited Card

(b) Kissan Credit Carding

(c) Kissan Crediting Card

(d) Kissan Credit Card

Answer: (d) Kissan Credit Card

Download CBSE Class 10 MCQs for Geography Chapter 4 – Agriculture

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