NEP 2020: Dealing with complexity of digital transformation of education while striving for universal literacy by 2047 – ET Government

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In the last three years, the education system in the country (government owned and private) has been dealing with digital complexity as they transition to an online ecosystem.

The Modi government believes that NEP 2020 will help India achieve universal literacy by 2047. In the last seven decades, impressive progress in literacy has been made but the country is still home to a very large number of illiterates. NEP 2020 is dealing with the challenge of lack of access to education for all age groups–for young children and for adults.

Four National Curriculum Frameworks are being devised under NEP 2020. These are:

  • National Curriculum Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education (NCFECCE)
  • National Curriculum Framework for School Education (NCFSE)
  • National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE)
  • National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education (NCFAE)

NEP 2020 seeks to bring children between the ages of 3 to 6 years within the ambit of formal education. The idea is to ensure that every child has some basic literacy and numeracy (foundational learning) by the age of 8. A strong emphasis is placed on early childhood care and education (ECCE). NEP 2020 seeks to overcome the problem of school dropouts by ensuring that children should remain in school until class 12. Many of India’s illiterates are adults. NEP 2020 notes that volunteerism and community involvement and mobilisation are key success factors in adult literacy programmes. NEP 2020 also seeks to enhance the use of technology in all aspects of education. It lays a special emphasis on not only digital content, but also learning apps, satellite-based educational TV channels, and capacity building among teachers to further strengthen online learning.

For the advancement of digital learning systems in the country, NEP 2020 recommends the establishment of a dedicated SPV. In this context, the government has established an autonomous body called the National Educational Technology Forum (NETF). The NETF is mandated to facilitate decision making on the deployment, induction and use of technology for the realization of NEP 2020 objectives. The NEP framework envisions technology as the most important enabler for universal education in the country.

Was the thrust of NEP 2020 towards online education a fully thought through process or was it a kneejerk reaction to the covid pandemic?

“The paradox is that the biggest push that online or digital education has received in the last decade has not been due to the initiatives of the government (policies like NEP 2020) or the innovations of the private sector. The biggest push has materialised primarily due to the destructive effects of covid 19 pandemic,” says a senior official of union education ministry.

The pandemic forced the government to impose a national lockdown in March 2020. At that time, most schools were in the process of wrapping up their academic year. Due to the threat of the covid virus, it was not desirable for students and teachers to be physically present in the classrooms. The hands of the schools and the nation’s education system were forced and digital methods for imparting education remotely and assessing the performance of the students were quickly developed and implemented.

Before the children could be taught through the online medium, it was necessary to train the teachers. Apps like DIKSHA, NISHTHA and ePathshala, which aim to train and guide the teachers, were recommended by the NEP 2020 establishment. The Centre and State Governments took initiatives to involve the educators in online activities where the working of the online education system was explained. The teachers were encouraged to join certain academic groups in WhatsApp which exchange information on the online systems of education.

“Due to the pandemic, the focus of NEP 2020 turned towards digital education,” says the official of the union education ministry. “If the pandemic had not happened, then it is possible that NEP 2020 would have been developed along traditional lines of education.”

In the last three years, the education system in the country (government owned and private) has been dealing with digital complexity as they transition to an online ecosystem. Is the system of education being overwhelmed by technology? If everything is technology driven, then what happens to interpersonal relationships, like the connection between the teacher and the student, which are part of the education process?

  • Published On Jun 21, 2023 at 08:52 AM IST

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By bpci

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