- Explain J2ee component?
Ans. It is a software unit that is assembled into a J2ee application with related files and classes. E.g: Enterprise JavaBeans components are business components.
- Name some types of modules defined by J2ee specification?
- Application client
- Enterprise JavaBeans
- Web
- Resource adapter
- What is the use of containers in J2EE?
Ans. It acts as a container between a component and a platform that provides the functionality supported by the component.
- What are different types of containers?
- Applet container
- Application client container
- Web container
- Enterprise JavaBeans container
- Define J2ee module?
Ans. A collection of one or more J2ee components of the same container along with one descriptor of that type is known as J2ee module.
- What are web components?
Ans. Java server pages technology and java servlet are web components.
- What do you mean by JSF?
Ans. JSF stands for JavaServer Faces. It provides a set of reusable UI components for web applications.
- What does MVC stand for?
Ans. MVC means model view controller. It is a software architectural pattern for implementing user interfaces on PCs.
- Define Hashtable?
Ans. Hashtable is like a hashmap. It enables null values but not duplicate values.
- What are the benefits of Hibernate?
- Built-in connection pool implementation
- Standard ORM
- Mapping of domain object to relational database
- Layered architecture
- Difference between public, private and protected?
Ans. Private: It has the data accessible to the class to which they belong
Protected: It has the data accessible to the class to which they belong and any subclass
Public: It has the data accessible to all the classes
- What does web module have?
- Class files for servlets
- Web development descriptor
- GIF and HTML files
- JSP files
- What is HQL?
Ans. HQL (Hibernate query language) enables to the user to express queries in its own portable SQL extension.
- What are the advantages of object relational mapping?
- Code reuse
- Application maintainability
- Productivity
- Application design
- What does .jar file contain?
Ans. The .jar file contains resources, libraries and accessory files like property files.
- What are the JSP tags?
Ans. There are four different types of JSP tags:
- Declarations
- Scriplets
- Expressions
- Directives
- Discuss the advantages of spring framework?
- Easily testable components
- Lightweight container
- Easy initialization for properties
- Possibility to organize middle tier objects
- What is URL?
Ans. URL (uniform resource locator) is the textual reference writing standard to an arbitrary piece of data in the World Wide Web.
- What services are provided by EJB container?
- Connection Pooling
- Component lifecycle management
- Security
- Transaction