- What are geological factors in Agricultural Engineering?
► Lithologic including composition, texture, sequence of rock types and the thickness of rock formations.
► Structural, including chief faults and folds that interrupt the uniformity of occurrence of rock types or sequence of rock types also beds, joints, fissures, cracks, etc
► Hydrologic characteristics of the aquifers permeability, porosity, transmissivity, storability, etc
- What are physiographic factors in Agricultural Engineering?
1: Basic characteristics
► Geometric factors:
- Drainage area,
- shape,
- slope
- and stream density.
► Physical factors:
- Land use,
- surface infiltration conditions,
- soil types etc.
2: Channel characteristics:
- carrying capacity and storage capacity
- What are the factors which affecting water resources?
► Climate factors
► Rainfall: its intensity, duration and distribution
► Snow
► Evapo-transpiration.
- What is run-off cycle in Agricultural Engineering?
Run-off cycle is a part of the hydrologic cycle, will help us to understand the origin and the interdependence of these two categories of water resources.
- What to avoid in improving and enriching soil?
When you are improving and enriching your soil, be sure not to mix a different type of soil with your existing soil. For example, you wouldn’t want to mix a sandy soil with a clay soil this would produce disastrous results. Also, when adding organic material, make sure you don’t use plant residue that consists of diseased plants or organic material that has meat scraps. Finally, sewage sludge can be used but it may contain high levels of lead and cadmium so it is best to use this material only on plants that you are not intending to ingest.
- What is soil’s texture in Agricultural Engineering?
A soil’s texture, refers to its particle content, the size of particles, and how cohesive they are. Sandy soils have very large particles, for example, whereas soils with a lot of clay have very small particles. Both soil with a lot of sand and soil with a lot of clay can be problematic. Sandy soil permits air, roots, and water to move too freely while soil with a lot of clay does not offer enough room for air, roots, or water.
- What is soil’s fertility?
The quality of a soil is usually determined by examining its fertility and texture. A soil’s fertility is determined by a combination of essential nutrients and a pH that makes these nutrients available to the plants. The basic nutrients required by plants are nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. Nitrogen is responsible for the healthy growth of the plant’s leaf and stem, phosphorous is important for the root growth of the plant, and potassium is required for the overall health of the plant, keeping the plant growing and boosting its immune system. In addition to these three nutrients, plants also require trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, molybdenum, and zinc in order to be healthy. The pH of a soil tells us its acidity or alkalinity level and is measured on a scale between 1.0 and 14.0. A pH level of 7.0 is considered neutral. Soil with a pH higher than 7.0 is considered acidic and soil with a pH higher than 7.0 is considered to be alkaline.
- Do you know the importance of good soil in Agricultural Engineering?
Good soil is ninety percent of the secret to a successful garden. Without it, you will be fighting a losing battle no matter how diligent you are with watering, weed control, ensuring proper sunlight, and pest control.
- Do you know about Agricultural Engineering branches?
Agricultural Engineering comprises of four main branches:
► Farm Implements and Power.
► Rural Structures
► Soil conservation, drainage and irrigation
► Rural Electricity
- Do you know about the Top Colleges / Universities in abroad offering Agricultural Engineering?
►University of Southern Queensland, Australia
►Tennessee Tech University, USA
►Iowa State University, USA
►University of Kentucky University of Arizona
- Please tell us what is the scope of Agricultural Engineering?
Agriculture Engineering is a technologically sophisticated field that offers bright career prospects and opportunity in any country around the world, and in various sectors.
Some of the higher study options for the B.Tech graduates in agriculture are: M.Tech in Agricultural Engg, M.Tech in Farm Machinery and Power Engg, M.Tech in Renewable Energy, M.Tech in Crop Production, M.Sc in Rural Technology, PhD in Agri-Informatics, and PhD in Rural Technology
Well-paid careers are available for qualified agricultural engineers in government and public sector organizations, agribusiness firms, food processing and retail industry, research organizations and laboratories, banks and financial corporations, central and state government organizations and private firms
- Tell us what you know about Duties of agricultural engineers?
- Design agricultural machinery components and equipment, using computer-aided design (CAD) technology
- Test agricultural machinery and equipment to ensure that they perform properly
- Design food-processing plants and supervise manufacturing operations
- Plan and direct construction of rural electric-power distribution systems
- Design structures to store and process crops
- Design housing and environments to maximize animals’ comfort, health, and productivity
- Provide advice on water quality and issues related to managing pollution, controlling rivers, and protecting and using other water resources
- Design and supervise environmental and land reclamation projects in agriculture and related industries
- Discuss plans with clients, contractors, consultants, and other engineers so that the plans can be evaluated and any necessary changes made
- Do you know what agricultural engineers do in Agricultural Engineering?
Agricultural engineers-also known as biological and agricultural engineers-work on a variety of activities. These activities range from aquaculture (raising food, such as fish, that thrive in water) to land farming to forestry; from developing biofuels to improving conservation; from planning animal environments to finding better ways to process food.
- Do you know how to become an Agricultural Engineer?
Agricultural engineers must have a bachelor’s degree, preferably in agricultural engineering or biological engineering. Employers also value practical experience, so cooperative-education engineering programs at universities are valuable as well.
- Tell us what you know about Work Environment in Agricultural Engineering?
Agricultural engineers work much of the time in offices. They also spend time at a variety of worksites, both indoors and outdoors, traveling to agricultural settings to see that equipment and machinery are functioning according to both the manufacturers’ instructions and federal and state regulations.
- Do you know what agricultural engineers do?
Agricultural engineers-also known as biological and agricultural engineers-work on a variety of activities. These activities range from aquaculture (raising food, such as fish, that thrive in water) to land farming to forestry; from developing biofuels to improving conservation; from planning animal environments to finding better ways to process food.
- Explain two distinct categories of Water Resources in Agricultural Engineering?
Water resources are divisible into two distinct categories: the surface-water resources and the ground-water resources. Each of these categories is a part of the earth’s water circulatory system, called the hydrologic cycle, and is ultimately derived from precipitation, which is rainfall plus snow. They are interdependent, and frequently the loss of one is the gain of the other.