HCL Recruitment 2023: Apply Online For 184 Trade Apprentice Posts, Check Eligibility And Application Process

Jagran Josh

HCL has invited online applications for the 184 Trade Apprentice Posts on its official website. Check  HCL Recruitment 2023 application process, age limit, qualification and other details here.

HCL Recruitment 2023: Apply Online For 184 Trade Apprentice Posts,

HCL Recruitment 2023: Apply Online For 184 Trade Apprentice Posts,

HCL Recruitment 2023 Notification: Hindustan Copper Limited (HCL) has invited online applications for the 184 Trade Apprentice on its official website. These positions are available for undergoing Training atv Malanjkhand Copper Project, Hindustan Copper Limited for Trade Apprentice under the Apprentices Act 1961 as per the details given below.

HCL Recruitment 2023: Important Dates

Closing date of application: Aug 5, 2023


HCL Recruitment 2023: Process To Registration

Candidates should register themselves for apprenticeship in Government of India portal (www.apprenticeship.gov.in). Candidate should select “Establishment Search” under establishment menu in the above site (www.apprenticeship.gov.in) and select Hindustan Copper Limited, Malanjkhand Copper Project for undergoing training with HCL. This is compulsory. The unique number generated on this website must be entered in the appropriate column in Step 2 (Online submission of application at Hindustan Copper Limited website), otherwise, application will not be considered finally submitted. Registration on the above portal is mandatory for all the candidates, whether they are applying on 10th basis or ITI basis.

Career Counseling

HCL Recruitment 2023: Vacancy Details

There are total 184 positions are available for Trade Apprentice posts in different disciplines and trades. 
HCL Recruitment 2023: Educational Qualification

The candidate must be ITI passed from the respective trade /10th pass with additional eligibility. 
You are advised to check the notification link for details of the educational qualification of the posts.
HCL Recruitment 2023: Age Limit
 The age of the candidate should be between 18 to 25 years as on cut-off date. A relaxation of
5 years is admissible for SC/ST candidates and 3 years for OBC candidates in the upper age
limit. All govt. guidelines on the matter will be observed.
Check the notification link for details of the relaxation in age limit.
HCL Recruitment 2023 PDF


 Process to Apply Online:

The will have to submit their application online through the Company’s website
(www.hindustancopper.com). No other means of / mode of application shall be accepted. ‘One
Applicant – One Application’ system shall be followed, i.e. only one application shall be accepted from
one candidate corresponding to one login-ID. The candidates should ensure that they fulfill the
prescribed eligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement against
the trade applied for. They are advised in their own interest to apply for only one trade that best fits
with the candidate’s qualification viz-a-viz the advertised eligibility criteria. Multiple applications
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received, if any, in contravention to the ‘One Applicant – One Application’ condition shall not be
accepted. In such cases only the first submitted application shall be considered. 

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By bpci

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