1. Explain how do you meet your targets?

This straightforward question gives you the opportunity to outline the methods you use to meet work-related goals. Your interview preparation should include rehearsing a brief summary of your go-to strategies, specifically in the context of how you can apply them to the position for which you are interviewing to boost revenue for that company.

  1. Explain me why did you decide to work at this company?

This question gives an interviewer a chance to do two self-serving things: talk about themselves and perform a no-holds-barred sales pitch on the company. For promising candidates, the sales opportunity is welcomed. And most people love any excuse to talk about themselves. 😉

This gives you insight into what motivates your future colleague or manager, as well as insight into what the company offers its employees. If those all line up with what you’re looking for in a job, you’ve got yourself a good fit.

  1. Why should we hire you as Advertising Account Executive?

This is your opportunity to reiterate your qualifications while demonstrating how they would benefit the prospective employer. Be sure to have a well-crafted elevator pitch that succinctly outlines your skills, track record and how you can apply them to this company.

  1. Tell me what is the biggest challenge the team has faced in the past year?

While the interviewer might be trying to paint a pretty perfect picture of what working on the team might look like, asking this question will help you uncover some of the realities the team has been facing recently. If you end up joining, you’ll inevitably hear about these challenges — and you may have to help solve them, too.

It really helps to know what challenges you could find yourself or your team up against ahead of time. In some cases, it could affect whether you accept the role. Not only that, but learning about these challenges could give you some great insights into the steps the team has taken to overcome these challenges already.

  1. Tell me how do you handle your anger as Advertising Account Executive?

I don’t get angry, I can get frustrated, but the only way I feel fit to handle it, is by self awareness and communication.

  1. Tell us what do you know about our product or service?

Your interview prep should have included extensive research about the company and what it sells. You should be able to describe, with a confidence, the company’s products or services. Furthermore, you should be able to identify some key selling points and explain why clients or customers should do business with that company, rather than with a competitor. Be prepared to deliver a mock pitch for the product during the interview.

  1. Tell me why do you want a career as an advertising account executive?

Advertising account executive is a people-oriented work with challenges. I enjoy co-operating with people and taking challenges.

  1. Tell me how do you plan your day?

Similar to the email question, in asking about how you plan your day an interviewer is trying to get a read on how organized and systematic you are. In your answer, you should be able to briefly take the interviewer through a typical day. Again, what is most important is to demonstrate that you have a consistent approach to the duties of the day. At the same time, though, you don’t want to appear rigid. Part of your answer should include strategies for handling unexpected situations that crop up.

  1. Tell me suppose you’ve been at this company for while. What keeps you motivated?

If your interviewer has been at the company for several years, understanding why could give you some really interesting insight into the company, how it treats its employees, and a taste of what motivates the people who work there. Plus, it shows you’ve done your research on the interviewer, which is always an impressive sign.

Depending on the interviewer’s answer, you might learn something about the company’s career training, leadership opportunities, workplace flexibility, internal job opportunities, and more. You might dig a little deeper by following up with related questions, like, “What do you enjoy most about working here?”

  1. Tell us how does this role contribute to larger company goals?

It’s not terribly difficult to find a candidate that can execute on a role. It is terribly difficult to find a candidate that can not only execute on their role, but also understand how it fits into larger goals. This includes being able to self-manage, prioritize high-value activities, and grow their role in a direction that aligns with the company’s growth.

This information can be hard to come by if your company isn’t very communicative or transparent, so this is a good chance to get that information while the gettin’s good, and use it to guide your decisions if you land the role.


  1. Tell me a time when you had to set an important goal in the past and tell me about your success reaching it?

A goal that I set for myself was to learn a photo editing program, I successfully learned how to edit in a few weeks. It was a challenge but I was determined to learn the program.

  1. Explain me a time when you didn’t meet a goal?

If you’ve been working in sales for any amount of time, there is a high likelihood that you failed to meet a quota or benchmark of one type or another. So the interviewer is not expecting you to claim that you’ve never missed a goal. Instead, they want to gain insight into how and why you missed a target, what you learned from the experience and how you applied what you learned to avoid repeating the failure. Make sure your answer demonstrates professional development on your part. If you do have a perfect track record, be ready to discuss any near misses and the strategies you have employed to avoid them.

  1. Please explain what are some of the less tangible traits of successful people at this company?

Ever work with people that just get it? That’s who hiring managers are looking for. This question demonstrates that you understand a job is about more than just going through the motions. Successful people have a specific frame of mind, approach, attitude, work ethic, communication style, and so on — and you want to know what that mix looks like at this company.

Because these characteristics are often hard to pin down, this question forces a hiring manager to articulate that “it factor” they’re really looking for — even if it wasn’t written in the job description.

  1. Tell us what do the most successful new hires do in their first month here?

This question shows that you’re the type of person who likes to hit the ground running, instead of spending a week filling out HR forms. It also shows that you recognize patterns of success and want to replicate only the most effective performers.

Every company has its weird nuances, its own environment, and its own unspoken expectations. This helps you start with a little bit of the insider info so you don’t suffer a case of “if I knew then what I knew now” in six months.

  1. Explain me what are some of the challenges you see as an Advertising Account Executive?

Need to maintain a work-life balance under a flexible working schedule reduce personal time in order to minimize the effect of the personal relationship with family and friends.

  1. Can you explain what is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it?

Showcase campaign print example.

  1. Tell us what behaviors does the member who struggles most on the team exhibit? Please give me an example.?

The hiring manager that you’re really trying to get a concrete idea of what to do and what not to do as an employee on the specific team you’re applying to join, says Fernandez. And while this question can make a manager uncomfortable, it’s impressive because it shows that the candidate is not afraid to ask tough questions.

First, you’ll get an idea of what poor performance looks like, which will help you set expectations for the position. Second, you’ll learn how the hiring manager handles a tough question like this — which can teach you something about how office politics are handled in general.

  1. Tell us how would you define team work and communication skills in the context of account management?

As an account manager, you work on two fronts: the clients and your company. Both require excellent communication skills. You need to earn the trust of both clients and managers, to convince both sides to close the best possible deal. Teamwork is probably more related to coordinating actions with the company, the development, sales, and marketing departments.

  1. Explain me one or two of the most difficult challenges and or rejections you have faced in the past and how you responded?

I found that the most difficult challenges for me is to preach to my close friends.(I am a christian.) I felt embarrass in the initial. But then I know that what I was going to preach is good and real. Therefore, it was no reason for me to be afraid and hesitate. So, I preached to my friends bravely.

  1. Explain me what would you say are the most important qualities of an account manager?

This question tests your confidence, self awareness, and independence. Do not be afraid to speak your mind confidently. The ability to work independently and make decisions is crucial if you are an account manager. This in turn requires being organized and self motivated, with the ability to work with many customers at once. This means outstanding customer service skills.


  1. Basic Advertising Account Executive Job Interview Questions:

☛ What was your biggest disappointment as an advertising account executive?
☛ Why are you the best advertising account executive for us?
☛ What attracts you to this industry?
☛ What are some of the challenges you see as an Advertising Account Executive?
☛ Describe one or two of the most difficult challenges and or rejections you have faced in the past and how you responded?
☛ What do you feel is the most important skill an advertising account executive should possess?
☛ Give me a time when you had to set an important goal in the past and tell me about your success reaching it.
☛ Why do you want a career as an advertising account executive?
☛ How do you handle your anger?
☛ By providing examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and environments.
☛ What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you tackle it?
☛ How do you evaluate success?
☛ What was your greatest accomplishment as an advertising account executive?
☛ What goals have you set for yourself this year?

  1. Basic Advertising account manager interview questions:

☛ Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
☛ How would you describe your work style?
☛ How did you prepare for this work?
☛ A team experience you found disappointing.
☛ Do you think you are overqualified for this position?

  1. Strengths and Weaknesses based Advertising account manager interview questions:

☛ What do you believe are your key strengths?
☛ Who else have you applied to/got interviews with?
☛ Would you rather write a report or give it verbally?
☛ What assignment was too difficult for you?
☛ When was the last time you were in a crises?

  1. Behavioral Advertising account manager interview questions:

☛ What kind of personality do you work best with and why?
☛ Has anything ever irritated you about people you’ve worked with?
☛ What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
☛ Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
☛ What steps do you follow to study a problem before making a decision?

Study the specific job duties of the position desired. Limit your answer to your career background and experience. Answer all Advertising account manager interview questions honestly and stay focused throughout the hiring process.

  1. Competency Based Advertising account manager job interview questions:

☛ How do you feel about taking no for an answer?
☛ When given an important assignment, how do you approach it?
☛ What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized?
☛ Tell me about a difficult experience you had in working.
☛ How do you react to instruction and criticism?

  1. Video based Advertising account manager interview questions:

☛ Give some examples of teamwork.
☛ What were the responsibilities of your last position?
☛ What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it?
☛ What problems have you encountered at work?
☛ How would you weigh a plane without scales?

Start with the present and tell why you are well qualified for the position.
Describe your weaknesses as strengths.
Answer all Advertising account manager interview questions honestly and stay focused throughout the hiring process.

  1. Phone based Advertising account manager interview questions:

☛ What are three positive character traits you don’t have?
☛ What are you expecting from this firm in the future?
☛ What are your long-term goals or career plans?
☛ Tell me about yourself.
☛ Tell me about an important issue you encountered recently.

The most important tip is that you have get yourself prepared carefully before the behavioral interview. Just wait for them ending their questions then answer.
Ask a friend or relative of yours to help you practice answering Advertising account manager interview questions.

  1. Top 10 Advertising Account Executive Job Interview Questions:
  2. Tell me about the integrated campaigns you have worked on, which channels were utilised, and why?

    2. Talk me through the strategy and planning for one of your key clients.

    3. Give me an example of a project that you have worked on which involved both online and offline channels.

    4. Can you give me an example of when you have worked with multiple clients at the same time and how you managed?

    5. How do you organise and prioritise your workload?

    6. Can you tell me about an example where you have had to resolve an issue between a creative team and a client?

    7. What systems have you used to manage budgets for your clients, are you targeted on budget performance?

    8. What clients do you work on and what’s the mix of B2B and B2C?

    9. Which of our clients do you most want to work on?

    10. What do you love about your current agency? What are you not so keen on?
  3. Communication skills based Advertising account manager interview questions:

☛ What irritates you about other people?
☛ What major challenges and problems did you face?
☛ What do you see yourself doing within the first days of this job?
☛ What have you done to support diversity in your unit?
☛ What support training would you require to be able to do this job?

Do not forget to ask for the names of interviewers. And then, remember to give them a polite thank you. You may receive very helpful advice from an outsider who, like the interviewers, may tell if you answer properly or not. Be sure to discuss a very specific example.

  1. Situational Advertising account manager interview questions:

☛ What is the difference between a good position and an excellent one?
☛ You have not done this sort of job before. How will you succeed?
☛ What parts of your education do you see as relevant to this position?
☛ How do you think you can make a contribution to this company?
☛ What attracted you to this company?

A short positive response is best. Connect your ability to the company’s requirements. Don’t be too specific by giving away a word for a particular period of time.


  1. Please tell me how do you evaluate success?

By a level of happiness and fulfillment.

  1. Tell us what attracts you to this industry as Advertising Account Executive?

This industry has lots of potential in our local area because of the amount of small businesses that under utilize ad space in our market.

  1. Tell us how do you deliver negative feedback?

If you would be working with the person interviewing you, this is another tough question that can give you some insight into how the team works. It pushes the hiring manager to think about how he or she would handle an uneasy situation, while at the same time showing your level of maturity in that that you (realistically) expect to receive tough feedback sometimes.

Just like different people take negative feedback differently, different people give negative feedback differently. Does this person tailor their feedback approach depending on whom they’re giving feedback to? Do they make feedback a two-way street? Their feedback style — especially when it comes to negative feedback — will help you understand how well you would be able to work with them.

  1. Tell us where do people usually eat lunch?

Do they take the time to go out? Do people bring lunch but eat in groups? Do folks normally eat at their desks because they’re too busy to socialize? Asking this question serves as a great way to find out a little bit about the company culture. Plus, this is a more lighthearted question that might relax a stiffened atmosphere or lead to a conversation about shared interests.

Along with learning about company culture, it doesn’t hurt to get a few good lunch suggestions for the future.

  1. Explain me what metrics would you use to measure success in this role?

Asking a question like this shows that you’re goal-oriented and aren’t afraid to be held accountable for those goals. You don’t shirk accountability. You welcome it — and will work hard to hit the goals you’re responsible for.

It’s shocking how many people don’t actually know what they want from their employees beyond a vague idea of some work that needs to get done. Asking this question will force a hiring manager to figure it out — and then can communicate it to you, so you can execute on it.

  1. Tell us how are your relationships with past employers, colleagues and clients?

Being able to form and maintain strong, positive relationships is crucial for Account Managers. Maintaining professional relationships with the people you have worked with and for in the past speaks volumes about your interpersonal skills. You’re not going to be best friends with every former colleague, but you should aim to describe a few positive relationships you’ve been able to maintain since moving onto new opportunities.

  1. Do you know what makes a successful Account Manager?

In asking this question, an interviewer is trying to determine whether your understanding of the skills and personality traits that make for a successful Account Manager jibe with their own. Pick three to five points on which to elaborate. Be sure to review the job posting and description as you prepare for the interview so you can tailor your answers to what the employer is looking for.

  1. Explain what is important to effective market analysis?

Generally speaking, it is important to do research on a regular basis in relation to every individual client or category of clients. Effective research assesses current situations to project future developments and opportunities for the company. It studies competitors and proposes improvements.

  1. By providing examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and environments?

I’ve done it all, I deal with people all the time and I am an effective communicator. I;ve worked in retail, marketing and operations all which rely heavily on adaptation.

  1. Tell me why are you the best advertising account executive for us?

I am the best advertising account executive for your company because I have the competitive drive to succeed but the ethical guidance and attention to detail one needs in a role such as this.


  1. Tell us do you have any questions or concerns about qualifications?

This question shows that you’re not afraid of critical feedback — in fact, you welcome it. Interviewers tend to make note of red flags — whether it be something on your resume or something you said — to discuss with a colleague following the interview. This question gives them the green light to ask about any of the things that are holding them back from being 100% on board with hiring you.

You get a chance to address concerns face-to-face without being too confrontational. This could be the difference between an offer and a rejection — or maybe even a higher opening offer.

  1. Tell me what is your company’s customer or client service philosophy?

This is an impressive question because it shows that you can make the connection between how the company thinks about its customers and the end result. In other words, how the customer is treated on a day-to-day basis, and in turn, how that shows up in the product.

While you might be able to find a canned response to this question on the company’s website, it’ll be useful — and possibly eye-opening — for you to hear it more candidly from an employee. How the company treats its customers could end up informing your decision to join if you are offered the job, especially if you’re applying for a job where you’ll be communicating directly with customers.

  1. Tell us what are some of the challenges or roadblocks one might come up against in this role?

A question like this indicates that you’re already envisioning yourself in the role and thinking through a plan of attack, should you land the gig. It’s also a sign that you’re well aware that no job comes free of roadblocks. It shows that not only are you not afraid to deal with those challenges, but you’re also prepared for them.

The response you receive should help you better understand some of the less-than-ideal aspects of the job — difficult colleagues, bureaucratic processes, internal politics, and so on. You can use that information to decide that the role really isn’t a good fit for you … or that you’re up for the challenge.

  1. Explain me about a time in your career when you faced rejection. How did you handle it?

Rejection is part and parcel of working in a sales position. Choose an anecdote that either describes how you were able to turn initial rejection into something positive, or that demonstrates how you were able to handle being rejected without taking it personally and burning a bridge. The key is to demonstrate a measured, professional response to rejection.

  1. Tell us how do your manage your email?

Ostensibly about email, this question actually seeks to gain insight into how organized you are. Having a system for managing your email demonstrates a degree of planning and organizational skills, which are both fundamental to the role of Account Manager. Even if the interviewer prefers a different system, the fact that you use one is key here. The worst answer you could give to this (or a similar question) is saying that you have none.

  1. Please explain what makes a successful account manager?

Speak confidently when answering questions where success is the subject. You do not have to gush and describe every possible aspect you can think of. Talk about a few key concepts, like communication and negotiation skills, market research and customer prospecting, etc. You will make an even better impression if you give an example from your own professional life to demonstrate your idea.

  1. Tell us what do you feel is the most important skill an advertising account executive should possess?

Communication skill As an advertising account executive, you have to effectively and efficiently deliberate messages and express ideas with the clients and also the internal colleagues through communication.

By bpci