NMAT by GMAC™ exam 2023: Registration process begins tomorrow

Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times

The registration process for the NMAT by GMAC exam begins on Tuesday, August 1, 2023. Interested candidates can submit their application for the NMAT 2023 by visiting mba.com/exams/nmat.

NMAT by GMAC™ exam 2023: Registration process begins tomorrow

Institutes like S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research (Global Management Programme), TA Pai Management Institute (All MBA programmes), Flame University (MBA, MBA in Communication Management), Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab (MBA) have announced that they will be accept the NMAT by GMAC score for admission in their respective programmes, according to a press statement issued by the NMAT.

NMAT by GMAC exam allows candidates to apply to multiple leading business schools with one test score. They can apply to global schools in India, Philippines, South Africa, Nigeria, and Morocco.

NMAT is a computer-based test (CBT) with three sections- Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning.

The candidates need to attempt 108 questions in 120 minutes, with every part receiving equal weightage and there will be no negative marking.

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By bpci

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