Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released tentative answer key of the tier 1 Combined Graduate Level Examination (SSC CGL 2023 tier 1). Candidates who have appeared in the exam can go to and download it. The direct link has been provided here as well.
The entrance test was held from July 14 to 27 at different centres across the country. The commission has also released response sheets along with the tentative answer keys.
Here is the direct link to download SSC CGL answer key. Login with registered ID and password to check it.
Direct link to check SSC CGL answer key 2023
SSC has also invited objections from candidates to these tentative keys. Representations, if any, can be submitted up to 5 pm on August 4 on payment of a fee of ₹100 per question/answer challenged, it said.
“Representations received after 5.00 PM on 04.08.2023 will not be entertained under any circumstances. Candidates may take a print out of their respective Response Sheets, as the same will not be available after the above specified time limit,” reads the SSC notification.
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