CBSE India’s External Relations Class 12 MCQs of NCERT Politics In India Since Independence Chapter 4

Jagran Josh

India’s External Relations Class 12 MCQs: As students of Political Science and also as informed and responsible citizens of the country, all of us must know about the politics in India since independence. This article provides a comprehensive list of MCQs prepared for revision of Chapter 4 – India’s External Relations of the Class 12 NCERT book on Politics In India Since Independence. The PDF is also available to download. Click the link at the end of the article to download the PDF.

This article presents a set of 10 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to test and reinforce understanding of the fundamental concepts covered in Chapter 4 – India’s External Relations of the NCERT Politics In India Since Independence book of Class 12. These questions will help the students in their preparation for the upcoming examinations. Use these questions for revision; also check the answers in the answer key provided at the end of the article. 

10 MCQs on Ch 4 – India’s External Relations

Hеrе arе 10 multiplе-choicе quеstions basеd on Chaptеr 4 – India’s External Relations from thе NCERT book for Class 12 – Politics In India Sincе Indеpеndеncе:

Question 1:

What is the primary objective of India’s foreign policy since independence?

a) Isolationism

b) Economic growth

c) Military dominance

d) National security and development

Question 2:

Which international organization was founded in 1961 to promote and coordinate the political, economic, social, and cultural relations among African countries?

a) United Nations

b) World Trade Organization

c) African Union

d) European Union

Question 3:

India’s ‘Look East Policy’ primarily aims to strengthen relations with which region?

a) North America

b) Europe

c) Southeast Asia

d) South America

Question 4:

Which principle of India’s foreign policy emphasizes non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries?

a) Non-alignment

b) Preemptive strike

c) Isolationism

d) Sovereignty

Question 5:

Which Indian diplomat and statesman played a crucial role in shaping India’s foreign policy during its early years?

a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) B.R. Ambedkar

d) Rajendra Prasad

Question 6:

The Shimla Agreement of 1972 was signed between India and which neighboring country?

a) Nepal

b) Sri Lanka

c) Bangladesh

d) Pakistan

Question 7:

Which doctrine formed the basis of India’s foreign policy during the early years of its independence?

a) Truman Doctrine 

b) Nehru Doctrine 

c) Monroe Doctrine 

d) Eisenhower Doctrine

Question 8:

Which international organization did India refuse to join due to its representation being denied to China?

a) World Trade Organization

b) North Atlantic Treaty Organization

c) United Nations Security Council

d) International Monetary Fund

Question 9:

What is the primary goal of SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)?

a) Military alliance

b) Economic cooperation and regional integration

c) Cultural supremacy

d) Environmental conservation

Question 10: Which war in 1962 significantly impacted India’s foreign policy and its relations with its neighboring country?

a) Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 

b) Sino-Soviet War of 1969 

c) Indo-China War of 1962 

d) Indo-Bangladesh War of 1971


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  1. d) National security and development
  2. c) African Union
  3. c) Southeast Asia
  4. d) Sovereignty
  5. b) Jawaharlal Nehru
  6. d) Pakistan
  7. b) Nehru Doctrine
  8. c) United Nations Security Council
  9. b) Economic cooperation and regional integration
  10. c) Indo-China War of 1962


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