UPSC Combined SO (Grade-B) LDC Admit Card 2019-2022 released on – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

NEW DELHI: The Union Public Service Commission on Friday released the UPSC Combined SO (Grade-B) LDC Admit Card 2019-2022. Candidates who are going to appear for the Combined SO LDC Examination, 2019-2022 for Grade B can download the hall tickets from the official website at
The UPSC Combined SO (Grade-B) LDC Examination, 2019-2022 is scheduled to be conducted on August 27, 2023. In order to download the admit card online, candidates will be required to use their registration id or roll number.
Candidates can follow the below-mentioned steps to download their hall tickets for the UPSC Combined SO Exam 2023. They can also click on the direct link provided below in the article.
How to download UPSC Combined SO (Grade-B) LDC Admit Card 2019-2022?
Step 1: Go to the official website at
Step 2: On the homepage, check for the link “e – Admit Card: Combined SO (Grade-B) LDC Examination, 2019-2022” under the What’s New section.
Step 3: A new window will appear, click on the admit card link given.
Step 4: Another webpage will open, enter your login details and submit.
Step 5: Download the same and take its printout for further use.
Direct Link: Download Admit Card
Candidates admitted to the examination will be required to produce their official identity card at the time of appearing in the examination along with the e-admission certificate.
“After entering the Examination Hall, the candidate should sign the Attendance Sheet in the presence of invigilator on duty and then hand it over to him/her. The candidate should exercise due care and append identical signatures in relevant column of all the forms viz. Application Form and Attendance Lists. If any variation is found in signature(s) appended by him/her at different places, his/her candidature is liable to be cancelled by the Commission,” reads the official notice.

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Ravi Shankar

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By bpci

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