Jagran Josh
MPSC Result 2023 has been released by the Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) for PST and STI Posts. Check Direct Link to download MPSC Group C Merit List PDF, How to Download and Other Details.

MPSC Result 2023
MPSC Result 2023: Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) announced the prelims result for the Group C Combined Exam conducted for the post of Police Sub Inspector and State Tax Inspector on its website. All those candidates who appeared in the exam, on 30 April, can download MPSC Group C Result from the official website – mpsconline.gov.in or mpsc.gov.in. A total of 6184 applicants are shortlisted for PSI and 2699 for STI Posts in MPSC Prelims Result.
MPSC Result Download Link
The candidates can download the result PDFs for both posts PI and STI through the table given below.
MPSC Group C Cutoff Marks 2023
The cut-off marks for the written exam vary depending on the number of candidates who apply and the number of vacancies available. The candidates can check the category and sub category of thew result for both posts below:
MPSC PTI Cutoff Marks:
MPSC STI Cutoff Marks
MPSC Group C Prelims Result 2023: Check Steps to Download
Here are the steps on how to check the MPSC Group C result:
Step 1: Go to the MPSC website: https://mpsc.gov.in/
Step 2: Click on the result link ‘Maharashtra Non Gazetted Group B and Group C Services Combined Preliminary Examination 2023-PSI-Result’ and ‘Group B and Group C Services Combined Preliminary Examination 2023-STI-Announcement regarding Result
Adv.No.001/2023 Maharashtra Non Gazetted Group B and Group C Services Combined Preliminary Examination 2023-STI-Result.’
Step 3: A PDF list will open on your screens
Step 4: Search your roll number and name in the list
Step 5: Take the print out of the result.
The Commission conducted the written exam for 8169 Group B and Group C posts including Section Officer, State Tax Inspector, Police Sub-Inspector, Sub Registrar (Grade-1)/Inspector of Stamps, Sub Inspector-State Excise, Technical Assistant, Tax Assistant, and Clerk-Typist and others.
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