A month in the life of CV Shed – December 2021

CV Shed

This time last year, I blogged about what had been happening behind the scenes at CV Shed. A year on, plenty has changed but lots has stayed the same. The last few months have been quieter than usual, but I have some exciting projects in progress and more lined up for 2022. Here’s a little insight into what I’ve been up to recently:


CVs for private clients

I’ve carried on writing
cover letters and
LinkedIn profiles for private clients – this is the heart of my business. Over the last few weeks I’ve had some repeat business – clients who have finalised their initial order but returned for add-ons such as an extra cover letter or a new job to be added to their CV. I’ve also written a few CVs for clients worried about their job security or facing
redundancy – it’s satisfying to be able to give them a bit of hope and confidence at a wobbly time.


Staff profiles

This time last year I’d just started a new contract with a construction company to write staff profiles for their bidding packs. They’ve returned a few times throughout the year for additional profiles and I’ve just completed the latest batch for their new starters.


A new contract

I’ve started writing CVs for another CV writer, who has a contract with a Job Centre service provider. I love writing these CVs for the long-term unemployed, as I can always add value and it’s so rewarding to be helping people back into work.


Content editing

I’m super excited to have landed a new contract to edit an established careers blog. I love creating and polishing content and this is a great opportunity for me to delve deeper into an area I’ve been really keen to expand into. I’ll still be writing CVs for CV Shed and my other clients, and I’ll still be posting my own content on the CV Shed
blog and social media pages, but I can’t wait to get stuck in to this new project!


Promoting CV Shed

I’ve been making more of an effort to promote CV Shed and share CV advice across social media – my posts can be found on
Instagram and
LinkedIn, so give me a follow! It’s been particularly fun making the infographics and they’ve had a lot of great feedback too. I’ve also shared success stories, top tips, blog posts and general information about the business. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see!

Looking ahead

December is traditionally a quiet time for CV writing and job hunting, so it’s a great time to be laying the groundwork before the January rush. I usually have a quick turnaround on CVs throughout December, but last January was my busiest month ever so I’d advise contacting me sooner rather than later if you’re thinking of placing an
order. Sit back with a mince pie and some mulled wine, while I whip your CV into shape so that you can start 2022 with all guns blazing. New year, new career? Let’s go!


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jen@cvshed.co.uk (Jen David)

#month #life #Shed #December

By bpci

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