AAI JE ATC Exam 2023 Analysis: December 27 Review, Good Attempts and Difficulty Level

Jagran Josh

AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 2023: The Airport Authority of India (AAI) has concluded Shift 1 of the AAI JE ATC exam today at 11:30 am. Candidates planning to appear for the exam in Shift 2, scheduled to be conducted from 12:30 to 2:30 pm, must check the AAI JE ATC today exam analysis provided here. It will give you an insight into the types of questions asked, structure, question types, and overall difficulty level.

AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 2023

Airport Authority of India (AAI) has successfully conducted shift 1 of AAI JE ATC exam to fill up 496 vacancies. The question paper consisted of a total of 100 questions from 4 subjects: English Language, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General aptitude and General Knowledge. Aspirants who have appeared for the exam are now eagerly awaiting the AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis conducted on 27 December 2023 to check their performance in the examination.

Candidates must go through this article to check the AAI JE paper review in detail including difficulty level, good attempts, memory-based questions and questions asked from each topic.

AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 27 December 2023

As shift 1 of AAI JE December 27 is over, it’s time to do the detailed exam analysis. The officials have started conducting the AAI JE Exam 2023 for the Junior Executive from Dec 27 onwards. Prospective candidates are advised to go through the comprehensive AAI JE analysis to assess the important topics, the weightage given to each section and the overall difficulty level of the exam. Check out section-wise AAI JE ATC Analysis 2023 below.

AAI JE Good Attempts

Good attempts refer to the number of questions one should attempt correctly to outrank and outperform others in the exam. It depends on the difficulty level of the exam, your level of preparation and the number of vacancies. We have mentioned the AAI JE ATC Good Attempts in the table below as per the feedback received from the aspirants.


Good Attempts (Shift 1)

English Language & Comprehension

General Intelligence/ Reasoning

General Aptitude/Numerical Aptitude

General Knowledge and General Awareness


Check: AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 14 October 2023

AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 2023 Difficulty Level

Good attempts and difficulty level have an inverse relationship. It means that if the difficulty level of the exam is high, the number of good attempts will be lower.


Difficulty Level (Shift 1)

English Language & Comprehension

Easy to Moderate

General Intelligence/ Reasoning


General Aptitude/Numerical Aptitude


General Knowledge and General Awareness




AAI JE ATC Exam Analysis 2023 English

English constituted a significant portion of the AAI JE exam. This section had questions from topics like error spotting, reading comprehension, idioms & phrases, synonyms & antonyms etc. Many aspirants considered this section relatively easier than quantitative aptitude and reasoning.

AAI JE ATC Paper Review 2023 Quantitative Aptitude & Physics

This section is regarded as one of the most challenging and time-consuming. Based on the feedback received from aspirants, the AAI JE ATC exam analysis for the Quant section has been tabulated below.

  • 1*1 Matrix
  • Einstein mass relation
  • Hydrogen energy levels
  • Integration
  • Complex numbers
  • Inductance formula
  • Quantum number
  • Properties of light
  • Vector
  • Magnetism questions

AAI JE ATC Analysis 2023 General Knowledge

The types of questions asked in the General Knowledge section are listed below.

  • Name of the Rocket
  • Act 271
  • Lok Sabha

AAI JE ATC Analysis 2023 Reasoning

Some test-takers found the reasoning section moderately difficult due to the complexity of the questions. The maximum number of questions were asked from topics like Linear programming, Number Series, Seating Arrangements, and Linear Equality.

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