AIBE 17 Result 2023 Announced at, Know Details About Withheld Results Here

Jagran Josh

AIBE 17 Result 2023 (OUT): BCI has announced the result of AIBE XVII (17) in online mode. Candidates can download their AIBE 17 result 2023 at Check whose results have been withheld and rejected here

AIBE 17 Result 2023: The Bar Council of India (BCI) has released the All India Bar Examination (AIBE XVII) result today on April 28, 2023. Candidates who appeared in the exam can download their AIBE 17 scorecard on the official website: They have to use their user ID and password to download AIBE (XVII) 17 scorecard. However, as of now the official website is not working. Candidates who qualified in the examination can get a Certificate of Practice (COP). 

Along with AIBE 17 result, the officials have also released a notice for those whose result has been rejected, or withheld and for Rajkot city candidates. BCI also informed that it has constituted a fact-finding committee to look into the reports on cheating by some candidates in this year’s exam.

The AIBE 17 result has been declared after considering the objections raised in the AIBE answer key. As two questions have been removed, the AIBE result has been calculated based on the remaining 98 questions only. 

AIBE 17 Result 2023 – Direct Link (Available Now) 

How To Download AIBE 17 Result 2023? 

Candidates have to check and download their AIBE XVII result online at the official website. As of now, the official website is not working, however, it will be available soon. Check below the steps to know how to download AIBE 17 scorecard:

  • Step 1: Go to the official website:
  • Step 2: On the homepage, click on AIBE XVII result link.
  • Step 3: A new page will appear on the screen.
  • Step 4: Enter user ID and password in the login window.
  • Step 5: The qualifying status of AIBE 17 will appear on the screen.
  • Step 6: Download it and take a printout as well. 

Whose AIBE 17 Result Has been Withheld and Rejected? 

As per the notice released, the result has been withheld for those candidates who have given incorrect information and have not uploaded the enrolment certificate during the registration process. However BCI have given them deadline till May 15, 2023 to upload it. For such candidates, the result will be announced on May 20, 2023. Also, for those who could not upload their enrolment certificate by the specified date, their result will be announced by May 30 provided they upload the certificates by May 25, 2023. Also, the AIBE 17 result has been rejected for those whose question booklet set code is not filled or those who have filled it twice or incorrectly.  

Check AIBE (XVII) 17 Result Notice PDF – Here

AIBE 17 Result 2023 Status for Rajkot Candidates 

For candidates who have appeared for the exam from Rajkot, their result has been withheld by the monitoring committee till further notice on account of report of using unfair means during the exam. 

What Details Will Be Mentioned on AIBE 17 Scorecard 2023? 

After downloading the result pdf, candidates must go through the details mentioned on it. As per the information, it is expected that the following information will be provided on it: 

  • Candidate’s name
  • Roll number
  • Total marks secured in the exam
  • Qualifying status 

Also Read: ICSI CSEET May 2023 Admit Card Released, Get Direct Link Here

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#AIBE #Result #Announced #Details #Withheld #Results

By bpci

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