AIBE 17 Result 2023 to be announced soon, COP to be awarded to successful candidates; check how to download – Times of India

Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India

AIBE 17 Result Date 2023:Bar Council of India (BCI) is all set to announce the results of the All India Bar Examination (AIBE XVII) conducted on February 5, 2023. The result date will be announced soon on the official website of AIBE.
Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results on
As per sources, the AIBE 17 result is expected to be announced by the end of April 2023 or in the first week of May 2023. The scorecard can be downloaded using the candidate’s roll number and date of birth.
After the examination, two questions were removed based on the objections raised by the candidates against the answer key. The result will be declared based on the remaining 98 questions.
Candidates who clear the exam will receive a Certificate of Practice (COP). Even if a candidate missed out on biometric attendance, they need not worry as long as their verification was done in the classroom while giving the exam by taking their signatures. Their answer sheets will be taken into account and their results will be duly declared when the result of the examination is declared.
Candidates are advised to keep a regular check on the official website for the announcement of the result date. They should download their scorecards and take a printout of the same for future reference. With the results expected to be declared soon, candidates can gear up to check their performance in the examination and plan their next steps accordingly.
Here are the steps to download the AIBE XVII result:
Step 1: Visit the official website of AIBE at
Step 2: Click on the link for AIBE XVII results.
Step 3: Enter your roll number and date of birth in the respective fields.
Step 4: Click on the “Submit” button.
Step 5: The result will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Download the result and take a printout of the same for future reference.

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Sanjay Sharma

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By bpci

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