AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023 Expected to be Released on this date, check here – Times of India

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AIBE Result 2023: The AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023, which is the All India Bar Examination, is eagerly awaited by the law aspirants who appeared for the exam held on February 5, 2023. Once released, the candidates can check their results on the official website of the All India Bar
The Council had allowed candidates to raise objections against the AIBE 17 answer key 2023 till 20 February, and since then, the candidates have been eagerly waiting for the result. There are indications that the result might be released in the second week of April.
Qualifying the AIBE 2023 exam is a significant step towards a career in law in India. Candidates who pass the exam will be awarded the Certificate of Practice (COP), which is necessary for practising law in India.
As per the exam guidelines, general category candidates will have to secure a minimum passing mark of 40% to qualify the Law exam, while SC and ST candidates should score 35%. Therefore, candidates who have appeared for the exam must score above the minimum passing marks to qualify for the certificate.
In conclusion, the release of the AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023 is eagerly awaited by the law aspirants who had appeared for the exam. The official website of the All India Bar Examination –, will host the result once it is released. The exam is an essential step towards a career in law in India, and candidates must score above the minimum passing marks to qualify for the certificate.
Direct link to download AIBE 17 Result 2023
Here are the steps to download the AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023?
Please make sure to keep your roll number and other details handy while downloading the result.
Step 1: Visit the official website of the All India Bar Examination –
Step 2: Look for the “AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023” link on the homepage and click on it.
Step 3: Enter your roll number and other required details in the given fields.
Step 4: Verify the details entered and click on the submit button.
Step 5: The AIBE XVII (17) Result 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.

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Sanjay Sharma

#AIBE #XVII #Result #Expected #Released #date #check #Times #India

By bpci

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