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NEW DELHI: Bar Council of India will close the AIBE XVII 2023 Answer Key Objection window today i.e., Monday, February 20, 2023.
Candidates, who wish to challenge the answer key – released on February 13, 2023, can visit the official website and raise their objections through the answer key objection link available on the official website.
Candidates must note that BCI will not accept the challenges sent through other means and after closing the online window.
The AIBE 17th examination was conducted on February 9, 2023, in online mode across India.
BCI AIBE (All India Bar Examination) is conducted by the Bar Council of India for law graduates who wish to practice law in India.
Direct link to download AIBE XVII Answer Key 2023
Click on the link to challenge the answer key
Steps to download and challenge BCI AIBE 17 answer key
Here are the steps to download and challenge the BCI AIBE answer key:
Step 1: Visit the official website of BCI AIBE at
Step 2: Click on the link for the answer key for your respective exam.
Step 3: Enter your roll number and password to access the answer key.
Step 4: Download the answer key and check your answers against the correct answers provided in the answer key.
Step 5: If you find any discrepancies or errors in the answer key, you can challenge the answer key within the time period specified by the Bar Council of India.
Step 6: To challenge the answer key, you will need to submit a written representation along with the necessary proof to support your claim.
Step 7: You will also need to pay a fee for each question that you wish to challenge.
Step 8: After reviewing the challenges submitted by the candidates, the Bar Council of India will release a final answer key along with the result.
Candidates, who wish to challenge the answer key – released on February 13, 2023, can visit the official website and raise their objections through the answer key objection link available on the official website.
Candidates must note that BCI will not accept the challenges sent through other means and after closing the online window.
The AIBE 17th examination was conducted on February 9, 2023, in online mode across India.
BCI AIBE (All India Bar Examination) is conducted by the Bar Council of India for law graduates who wish to practice law in India.
Direct link to download AIBE XVII Answer Key 2023
Click on the link to challenge the answer key
Steps to download and challenge BCI AIBE 17 answer key
Here are the steps to download and challenge the BCI AIBE answer key:
Step 1: Visit the official website of BCI AIBE at
Step 2: Click on the link for the answer key for your respective exam.
Step 3: Enter your roll number and password to access the answer key.
Step 4: Download the answer key and check your answers against the correct answers provided in the answer key.
Step 5: If you find any discrepancies or errors in the answer key, you can challenge the answer key within the time period specified by the Bar Council of India.
Step 6: To challenge the answer key, you will need to submit a written representation along with the necessary proof to support your claim.
Step 7: You will also need to pay a fee for each question that you wish to challenge.
Step 8: After reviewing the challenges submitted by the candidates, the Bar Council of India will release a final answer key along with the result.
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Sanjay Sharma
#AIBE #XVII #answer #key #challenge #window #closed #today #check #Times #India