Jagran Josh
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023: AIIMS Bhopal has invited online application for the 37 Faculty posts on the official website. Check notification pdf and other update.
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023 Notification: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhopal has invited online applications for the 37 Group A Faculty posts in the Employment News. Candidates having certain educational qualifications can apply for these posts including Associate Professor, Professor, Additional Professor and Assistant Professor available in different disciplines.
Interested and eligible candidates can apply online for these posts through the official website on or before October 10, 2023.
Selection for these posts will be done on the basis of interview. Based on the information as filled up in the application forms, the candidates may be shortlisted for interview. You can check the notification for details in this regard.
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023: Notification Link
Advt . No. 11/11/2023(1)-BL/ Admin. AIIMS/ Bhopal/
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023: Important Dates
You can send the duly filled application in the prescribed proforma along with the relevant documents to faculty.recruitment2023@aiimsbhopal.edu.in by 5.00 p.m. on October 10, 2023 for the current (First) Rolling Cycle.
However, according to the notification, applications received beyond the stipulated date may be considered in subsequent cycle and notified on the website of the Institute subject to availability of vacancies.
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023: Vacancy Details
- Faculty Posts-37
- Check the notification link for details of the Discipline wise posts.
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023: Educational Qualification
Essential for Medical candidates (for the General discipline):-
- A medical qualification included in the I or II schedule or part II of the third schedule to the Indian medical council Act of 1956 (Persons possessing qualifications included in part II of third schedule should also fulfill the condition specified in section 13(3) of the Act.)
- A postgraduate qualification e.g. MD/MS or a recognized qualification equivalent thereto in the respective discipline/subject.
- You are advised to check the notification link for details of the educational qualification of the posts.
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023: Application Fee
- The application fee for OBC category – Rs. 2,000/-(Rs. Two Thousand only).
- For SC/ST & PwBD, Women/Ex-Servicemen category- Nil.
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023: Age Limit
- Professor/Additional Professor: – Not exceeding 58 (Fifty-eight) years as on closing date.
- Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor: – Not exceeding 50 (Fifty) years as on closing date.
- Age relaxation permissible to various categories as per Government of India Rules
AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF
How To Apply For AIIMS Bhopal Recruitment 2023?
Candidates are required to fill the application form in the prescribed application form and
email to faculty.recruitment2023@aiimsbhopal.edu.in with all relevant documents as mentioned in the notification on or before October 10, 2023. You are required to submit the hard copy of the duly filled application along with the self attested copies of certificates and application fee (for specified category) by ‘Regd/Speed Post’ to “The Deputy Director (Admin.), All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ist Floor, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Bhawan, Saket Nagar, Bhopal-462020” by 5.00 p.m. October 20, 2023 (i.e. within 10 days of the last date for submission of the application by email).
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