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Sep 17, 2024 11:18 AM IST
Candidates can download APSSB CHSLE admit cards from the official website of the board,
The Arunachal Pradesh Staff Selection Board (APSSB) has released admit cards for the Combined Higher Secondary Level Examination (CHSLE) 2024. Candidates can download APSSB CHSLE admit cards from the official website of the board,
APSSB CHSLE admit card released (, screenshot)
To download admit cards, candidates need to use the registration number or mobile number or the registered email ID along with the password.
The admit card download link will remain active till 9 am on October 6.
After downloading the admit card, candidates should check and ensure that all personal details, including name, photo and signature are correct. In the case of any error, it should be reported to the board immediately.
“Any issues/complaints relating to the Admit Cards should be reported latest by 04:00 PM of 30/09/2024. No representations will be entertained thereafter,” APSSB said.
The admit cards will mention the date and time for the examination, reporting time and address of the examination centre. In addition, it will contain exam day guidelines which candidates should read carefully.
On the examination day, candidates need to carry the admit card along with an original photo identity card. The photo ID should be same as the one used while filling the application form. Without these two documents, candidates will not be allowed to enter the exam venue.