Career Blog – Hallie Crawford
Many mid-career professionals have decided that they have had enough. The Great Resignation, in part, is perhaps something that some professionals would have liked to have done before but didn’t have the courage to until now. Others needed a pandemic to realize that their job or career was no longer engaging or providing them with a sense of fulfillment.
How do you feel about your career? We understand that this can be a complex question, especially if you have already invested a lot of time and energy into your current career path. However, no one should have to wait until they reach retirement to feel happy. How can you know if you are truly fulfilled in your career? We want to share our top tips with you because we truly care.
Your career should align with your values. This is one of the most important factors in finding a career that truly fits. If your career does not align with your values, or who you are at your core, it will leave you feeling unfulfilled. Surprisingly, many professionals are unsure of their values. Take some time to identify what things are important to you. Examples of values could be honesty, structure, diversity, and creativity. Write down everything that comes to your mind and try to identify your top three values. If your career doesn’t currently honor those values, are there any adjustments you can make to start to do so?
Your career should use your strengths. Another important factor in finding fulfillment is making sure that your career uses your strengths regularly. Your strengths are things that you are good at; things that come naturally to you. Of course, you want to make sure that you are using strengths that you actually want to use at work. A professional may find that baking comes easily and enjoys baking as a hobby, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they want to open a bakery. If you are unsure of what your strengths are, talk to a close friend, family member, or career coach to help you identify your strengths and which ones you want to use on a regular basis.
Your career should match your personality. It is important to find a career that compliments your personality for long-term fulfillment. An introvert may enjoy social activities from time to time, but working as an event planner for large corporate events may leave them feeling drained, leading to burnout. And an extrovert likely wouldn’t enjoy a job where they mostly work alone. Take some free personality tests online to get a sense of your personality.
Recognize that you can have a rough patch. All professionals can experience a rough patch in a career path that they love. We can all experience challenges and growing pains, and that doesn’t mean that your career isn’t fulfilling. Take some time to think about any changes you can make to jumpstart your sense of fulfillment. Can you reorganize the way you handle certain tasks and assignments? Can you volunteer to take the lead on a project that you wouldn’t normally accept? Write down a few ideas and speak to your superior about how you would implement these changes.
Don’t waste another day in a job that you don’t truly enjoy. Schedule a free consult to find out how we can help you find a career you love.
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Hallie Crawford – Career Coach
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