- Explain the term Noise?
Noise is a graphic image where there are extra pixels in the image degrading the quality of the image.
- Tell me do you have any writing experience?
Having worked with outside sources and overseas production I have written and communicated through many emails to get across many creative ideas and solutions. Also some personal writing through blogs and personal projects.
- Explain me a situation where you had to make a quick decision?
Every day there are moments for quick decisions especially during print days and there are discrepancies with ad copy. I discuss the situation with the appropriate people and email the decision.
- Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of?
My marriage of 27 yrs, 2 daughters, and a 19 yr long creative career in the arts.
- Tell me what do you like about our current artistic style, with our company?
I like the fact that your company is unique and very versatile.
- Tell us have you ever had to fire anyone and then how did you feel about that?
I’ve never fired anyone before. Everyone was easy and great to work with and we all respect and understood each other.
- Tell me as an Art Director, what do you believe is your best asset?
The ability to help designers create well marketed and designed material.
- Explain me the three best projects from your portfolio?
The candidate needs to explain the entire design process, the decisions, ideation, context, why’s, do’s and don’ts, through describing the production and execution of a specific project.
Question the designer’s decisions to discover details of projects and the reasoning behind these decisions. Ask how the designer would have made those projects even better.
- Explain about a client dispute you’ve dealt with, and how you handled it?
When concerns with a client arise I find it is best to reach out in person / verbally and discuss the issues and possible resolutions. Being a good listener is sometimes the rest way to solve a problem.
- Tell me how would you describe (needed art director or your) work style?
My work style matching exactly what cashier job requires by: being careful about detail and thorough in completing work tasks, being reliable, responsible, and dependable, and fulfilling obligations, creativity and alternative thinking to develop new ideas for and answers to work-related problems, being open to change (positive or negative) and to considerable variety in the workplace, a willingness to take on responsibilities and challenges.
- Tell me what field, industry, type of work do you prefer?
From digital to print to 360 solutions, from social causes to luxury projects, pinpoint candidates’ interests and preferences, and build up the talk to personal goals, project goals and things they want to do and create but haven’t had a chance to do.
- Tell us what is your biggest design challenge?
If you were confronted by a tough challenge, we want to hear about it. Why was it the biggest challenge in your career? What happened, what did you do to overcome it, what tools and processes were employed?
Most design work goes unseen and behind the curtains in the design process. We want to hear your design hero story. Alternatively, describe your dream challenge and how you would design a process to help you deal with it.
- Do you know the role of a copywriter?
Copywriter is a commercial author who writes copy for brochures, annual reports, adverts or other marketing materials. Copywriter either work as a freelancer or work inside the larger advertising agencies.
- Tell me how would you describe your design research?
When discussing design research, it is necessary to cover all the angles with which the candidate is familiar, and explain the reasoning why s/he decided to use a particular technique, tool, or way of thinking to achieve a result.
Nevertheless, if a designer received the data via the client, copywriter, strategist, or UX designer, it will be necessary to conduct further research that will confirm the designer’s statements, possibly upgrading the outcome.
- Do you know what drop shadow is?
Drop shadow is the shading effect used to give the appearance of graphics or raised type on the designed page.
- Explain me a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project?
To help my junior reach a deadline that they couldn’t have done alone as they were on a long sick leave, my team and I gathered together and worked till the next morning to get everything finished.
- Explain me what is the meaning of color and color theory in visual design?
Color plays a major part in the consideration of visual communication.
Big brands tell their stories through color. They connect with their consumers and the public with consistent use of color, color palettes and color systems. Color is a powerful tool that enables distinction and differentiation between brands. A brand that changes color with a new identity sometimes has dangerous results.
Tell us how successful brands communicate through color theory, and the meaning of color in design.
- Please explain us more about your design background?
Finding out more about the designer’s background, based on his or her general introduction can provide us with relevant information about the design school the candidate attended, past/current work positions, design experience, problems and projects that s/he found along the way and how this translates to his/her current design career and future aspirations.
- Explain the skills required for an art director to work in an ad agency?
☛ Strong foundation in design
☛ Readiness to work long hours
☛ Knowledge with Photoshop, illustrator, indesign, flash, QuarkXpress, PowerPoint and other programs
☛ PHP, HTML, and other web experience are often required
☛ Enable to manage a project from concept through production in multiple media
- Tell me what are the main things that the art director for an ad look for?
☛ Composition: does it cover all aspects of the ad including images
☛ Typography: does the letter or font used are align and readable to the target audience
☛ Color: does the color used in the ad campaign, suits the color scheme of the brand.
- Explain me what was your greatest accomplishment as an art director?
My greatest accomplishment was being able to work well with my team. This does not necessarily mean that we have the same ideals, but we all are compatible with each other and are open-minded and respect each other’s artistic styles.
- Tell me what excites you the most about a career as an art director?
Sharing creative vision with junior designers to excite them about a project has always been a highlight of being a Senior Designer. Taking responsibility and leadership feels like a natural next step in my career in the fashion industry.
- Tell me how would you know you were successful on this Art director job?
There are several ways to assess: You set big challenges for yourself and met them. Your achievement is a big success. Your boss told you that you were successful.
I am sure that I was successful. I have dreamt to work for your company and I can do anything to make my dream become true. And I am really interested in this job, for my passion not for money.
- Explain me what do you think of (abc) project?
Suggest a few projects, or ask a designer to select a project and then dissect it. The candidate should be able to pick it apart.
Listen for answers that explain context, goals, references, influences and pure aesthetics, as well as identifying problems, solutions, and outcome of the chosen direction. If the candidate can elaborate with quick solutions to a set of specific problems, that’s even better.
- Tell me what changes would you want to immediately make as director?
I don’t believe making immediate changes are necessary. I have to see how things run and operate and how the team works then I can suggest possible avenues of change that would benefit the brand and excite the consumer.
- Tell me what all things does movie art director has to consider in its budget?
Things that movie art director has to consider in his budget includes
☛ Income for the performer
☛ Travel and meals
☛ Automobile and vehicle expenses (includes vehicle used during the action sequence)
☛ Equipment’s
☛ Other additional expenses ( Video, CD’s, stage makeup and wardrobe)
- Tell me what all things does the art director do?
☛ To represent a concept visually
☛ Look for the photographs, art or other design elements to use
☛ Analyze the overall look or style of the publication, television, theatre, advertising campaign, etc.
☛ Supervise design staff
☛ Review and approve designs, photography, graphics, artwork developed by staff members
☛ Present designs to clients for approval
☛ Presenting detailed budgets and timelines
☛ Organizing activities
- Please explain as an Art Director, what do you believe is your best asset?
As an Art Director, I believe that my best asset is my open-mindedness. As an Art Director, my job is to guide the individual through their artistic journey so I’d give them some advice and suggestions and constructive criticism, but I wouldn’t push my ideals onto them.
- Tell me how to become an Art Director in film?
To become an art director in film
☛ Learn classes in interior design, architectural design and computer aided drafting
☛ Work as a volunteer in a local theatre or on student’s film
☛ Work as a junior or assistant director with an experienced art director
☛ Keep yourself updated with new technologies and software like CAD.
- Explain me what are the problems an art director might face?
An art director might face problems in executing its work
☛ Communication gap: Communication gap between the different teams or department may be a major concern, synchronizing their work in a single piece becomes a headache
☛ Mental block: When you don’t liberate your ideas and imagination beyond certain area, it get stuck to a specific subject and stops you to see other options
☛ Too many assumption: When you have too many options to execute a particular task it might confuse you and direct you to the wrong decision
- Tell us what major challenges and problems did you face at your last position?
On location photo shoots are usually very time sensitive and it’s important to keep everyone on the same page and working efficiently. Handling a miscommunication on a shoot and having a stylist go to creative director with unnecessary questions was a concern for director.
- Please explain a situation where you had to make a quick decision?
Was instructed not to complete any projects that did not come in through our automated system while Director was out of town. Brand manager came in with last minute request necessary for a sales pitch. I decided it was important to complete the project and followed up with my director to let him know what was going on in the office.
- Explain what experience do you have in this field and Art director position?
Speak about specific matters that are relevant to the position you are applying for. If you do not have any specific experience, get them as close as you can.
If you are being asked this question from your employer, you can explain about your experience. Tell the employer what responsibilities you were performing in your previous job. You can tell about the programs you have developed and modules you have worked on. You can also tell about your achievements in different programs.
- Tell me what are the skills required for art director employee in order to success in his work?
Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times, Talking to others to convey information effectively, Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one, Managing one’s own time and the time of others, Identifying complex problems and reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions.
- Tell me what would you say will be future of design? Or the next big thing?
Let your creative juices flow, we want to hear the craziest and wildest ideas of what might next drive the design industry. Extra points for storytelling!
For example, VR (virtual reality) is opening a big space in the consumer world: from gaming to virtual museums and any kind of virtual experiences. In regard to visual design and interaction, VR is one of the new mediums for design inclusion from the graphic and interactive perspective.
- Tell me what is your design approach?
The design process is essential to how design candidates develop and create their work. Insight and the way they work can distinguish their quality. As the design process becomes more thorough, the results become more elaborate and detailed.
Also, the design process is often limited by budget and time, and a useful insight would be how s/he and the design teams that s/he has worked with in the past handled various situations and briefs.
- General Art Director Job Interview Questions:
☛ Tell us about some brands you admire. What makes them stand out?
☛ You’re working with an established brand. How do you develop a solid understanding of what it is and where it’s going?
☛ You’re developing a brand for a new product. Where do you start?
☛ What’s been the biggest creative challenge in your career to date?
☛ What challenges have you faced in brand development? How did you overcome them?
☛ Everyone needs time out. What creative work do you do in your own time?
☛ Tell us about your current/previous team. What are your team members’ roles and how do they work together?
☛ How do you give constructive feedback to your team?
☛ Describe a time you received negative feedback from your team. How did you handle it?
☛ Describe a time you reduced work scope based on what your team could realistically accomplish?
☛ How do you develop the skills of your team members?
☛ How do you keep the team motivated in the face of tight deadlines?
☛ What tools, books, or ideas help you in your day-to-day work?
☛ How do you keep up with the latest creative tools and technologies?
☛ Tell us about a time you had to introduce new technology to your team
☛ Your most important client hates your latest work. What do you do?
☛ At your current/previous job, how do you stay updated on consumer feedback, and what do you do with this information?
☛ How influenced are you by current trends?
☛ How does your current/previous team handle analytics and reporting?
☛ Is it ever appropriate for design to overrule data? Why?
- Fresh Art Director Job Interview Questions:
☛ What campaigns and brands do you think set the standard in creativity?
☛ What was the best campaign or project you ever worked on? What made it so successful?
☛ What was the most challenging campaign or project you ever worked on?
☛ Describe a situation where you had to deliver bad news to your account manager or CMO
☛ How do you balance sales goals with your creative goals?
☛ As a creative director, what is the biggest challenge you face?
☛ From start to finish, describe your creative process for executing a campaign or project
☛ How do you manage a lot of different personalities working on a lot of different aspects of creative work?
☛ Do you prefer building your team with specialists or generalists?
☛ Who do you lean on for creative inspiration in your team?
- Panel based Art Director interview questions:
☛ What’s the most important thing you learned in school?
☛ How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?
☛ What interests you about this Art Director position?
☛ Do you work well under pressure?
☛ Describe a situation when you had to convince others.
☛ Give an example of when you had to present complex information in a simplified manner.
☛ What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses as Art Director?
- Professional Art Director Job Interview Questions:
☛ How do you provide feedback to individual singers in a group context?
☛ When working with a chorus, what is the most difficult (irritating) thing for you and how do you deal with that?
☛ Give an example of a challenging situation you have faced in a rehearsal or with a choir and how you resolved it.
☛ How would you interact with a volunteer who has offered to take on a task but hasn’t followed through? How do you determine how much responsibility to give them? How do you decide when it is appropriate to step in, take over and make sure the task gets done?
☛ Describe your experience working with a non-profit board and/or committees? What would be some of the challenges of being the only paid staff within an organization of volunteers?
☛ How do you manage stress in a work or personal setting? How do you manage conflict in relationships?
☛ How do you recognize and deal with burnout in yourself and chorus members? What is your level of comfort in delegating responsibility as a leader?
☛ Describe your ability to work on your own/ self-initiative. How do you balance offering strong leadership while working with a staff team?
☛ Describe your experience working with a board of directors in a non-profit setting.
☛ Describe your experience working with financial statements and budgets.
☛ Describe your experience working with diverse populations and flexibility in working with a diverse group of volunteers and personalities. Maybe prompt for GLBT connections if they don’t go there: also cross-cultural situation, singers who are blind or with other disabilities…
☛ Experience working with diverse populations…
☛ The Chorus utilizes other arts mediums (dance, collaborations, etc) as a way of making our choral music accessible to a wide variety of audience members, and particularly audience members who may be less familiar with choral music. Are you comfortable working with a choreographer and/or with other community collaborations?
☛ What would you identify as the primary challenges of a position like this?
☛ What are your hopes in working with this organization? Where would you like to take it in a year? In five years?
☛ What do you need from a supervisor? What have previous supervisors said about your work?
☛ Describe your ability to work evenings and weekends, flexible schedules during performances.
☛ Are there any other skills we haven’t touched on you’d like to share with us?
☛ What uniquely qualifies for this position? What do you want us to remember when we consider you as an applicant?
- Art Director interview questions:
☛ Have you had to convince a team to work on a project they weren’t thrilled about?
☛ What motivates you to do your best on the job?
☛ Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
☛ What are your career goals for Art Director?
☛ List five words that describe your character.
☛ Tell me about a difficult experience you had as Art Director.
☛ What problems have you encountered at work?
- Phone based Art Director interview questions:
☛ What was the most important task you ever had?
☛ What would you like to be doing five years from now?
☛ Why is continuous improvement necessary?
☛ What do you feel this position should pay?
☛ What is your salary history?
☛ Will you relocate? Does relocation bother you?
☛ What interests you most about this job?
- Behavioral Art Director interview questions:
☛ What have you done that shows initiative?
☛ What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a manager or executive?
☛ What are your long and short range plans?
☛ What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
☛ What do you do when you are faced with an obstacle to an important project? Give an example.
☛ What do you plan to earn five and ten years from now?
☛ What were the development steps on your last performance appraisal?
- Role-specific Art Director Job Interview Questions:
☛ As a designer, whose work do you admire?
☛ What product would you like to design or redesign?
☛ What creative projects do you do on your own time?
☛ How do you keep up with the latest creative tools and technologies?
☛ What tools do you rely on in your day-to-day work?
☛ How influenced are you by current trends?
☛ How has your design direction contributed to solving a business problem?
☛ Let’s say you’ve started working on a high-profile brand. What do you do in the first week to learn about the brand?
☛ Describe one of the most challenging design projects you’ve ever worked on.
☛ Recall a time you took charge to turn a negative situation into a positive situation.
☛ What are some ways in which you have trained or mentored colleagues?
☛ Your project is delayed for reasons you can’t control. How do you update your colleagues and clients about the situation?
☛ Your most important client hates your work. What do you do?
☛ Describe a time you’ve reduced the scope of a project based on what your team could realistically accomplish.
☛ How do you keep your team motivated in the face of tight deadlines?
☛ Which of our clients are you most interested in working with? Why?
☛ Have you seen any of our creative materials? What are your impressions?
- Difficult Art Director interview questions:
☛ What unique experiences separate you from other candidates?
☛ What do you like least about your job?
☛ Wouldn’t you be better off in a bigger (smaller) organization?
☛ What would you consider a conducive job atmosphere?
☛ What clubs do you belong to?
☛ What do you do when two employees are fighting?
☛ What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
- General Art Director interview questions:
☛ How have you successfully worked with this difficult type of person?
☛ What were your favorite courses in school?
☛ Have you ever worked with anyone with developmental disabilities?
☛ Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.
☛ What do you expect to be earning in five years?
☛ Do you prefer structured or unstructured activities?
☛ What percentage of your time is spent on each of your job responsibilities?
- Basic Art Director Job Interview Questions:
☛ What about this position and our chorus mission interests you?
☛ Describe your conducting philosophy – especially working within a community choir setting.
☛ What are 3-4 primary elements that you would identify as central in teaching and demonstrating healthy vocal technique?
☛ Describe how you would plan and structure a 2.5 hour rehearsal with a community chorus.
☛ How does your music education and experience in choral conducting fit with the requirements that The Chorus is seeking? Give us some specific examples.
☛ Give some examples of working with singers that have varied music-reading ability and musical background.
☛ Have you worked with adult choruses that memorize their repertoire? Do you have recommendations regarding whether a chorus memorizes music or not?
☛ What is your experience working with and conducting world or global music? Do you have knowledge or know how to find resources in teaching music and pronunciation from a variety of cultures and languages?
☛ Describe your experience in coaching small vocal ensembles? What are the differences in coaching ensembles versus a larger chorus?
☛ Repertoire/Programming
☛ How do you shape and create a coherent and vibrant concert program? Describe a concert you programmed that was particularly strong.
☛ Our Chorus is unique in that it utilizes a Music Advisory committee which assists the Artistic Director in finding and reviewing concert repertoire. The final repertoire list for a concert is selected by the AD. How would you envision working with a committee in reviewing music? What might be the advantages and disadvantages for you as AD in working with this type of committee?
☛ The Chorus performs some music from Judeo/Christian traditions, but the vast majority of our music is secular or comes from a variety of global/spiritual traditions. Describe the musical genres you have conducted and how those experiences shape what you could offer to The Chorus programming.
☛ Is there a particular musical genre that you enjoy or specialize in?
☛ How do you help a choir to “peak” with you when it is performance time? What is your approach if a concert date is approaching and the chorus is still struggling to learn a piece?
- Tell me how would you handle a staff member, who was clearly underperforming?
Take them out of the office environment and have a chat about what is that excites them out of work. Listen to any issues they may be struggling with at work. Maybe find a way delegate work more suited to their creative interests. Perhaps take a look at company culture to see if people are overworked and create a fun field trip to reset morale.
- Tell me how to write an ad?
☛ Before writing for an ad, you should have thorough knowledge about the product
☛ Use less word and give more meaning
☛ Figure out the most eye-catching statement in your ad and put in the beginning part or introduction
☛ Once you had done with writing, trim what you have written
☛ Try to convey the message that touches your audience
☛ Instead of a stationary photograph, to enhance your radio script use a series of video images
☛ Record your ad and listen to it repeatedly until you are convinced totally with it
☛ Use the language that your audience is comfy with.
- Explain what all areas art director can work?
Art director work throughout media and industries related to it like
☛ advertising
☛ Book publishing
☛ Book magazines
☛ with ad agencies
☛ creating ads for TV or Web
- Explain what is the difference between an art director and creative director?
☛ Creative Director: It designs and built the strategies to meet the business objective directed by the client. It establishes the overall creative direction and reports to a senior manager
☛ Art Director: The look and feel of the entire production are in the hand of Art director. It advances art direction based on creative strategy given by the creative director and develops design and style for the ads.
- Explain me what excites you the most about a career as an art director?
Sharing creative vision with junior designers to excite them about a project has always been a highlight of being a Senior Designer. Taking responsibility and leadership feels like a natural next step in my career in the fashion industry.
- Explain me why you would like to work with a team and why you would like to work alone?
This is more of a character test. Further, it can show us which way you work, how your design process develops and what type of work you want to do. Maybe you prefer a team, and you’ll show and tell us how you would be good in a team, or lead a team?
- Please explain me what are the knowledge elements you obtained from your education, training and work experience would support your art director career?
The Knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting, and selling products or services. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques, and sales control systems, the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar, media production, communication, and dissemination techniques and methods. This includes alternative ways to inform and entertain via written, oral, and visual media, circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming, design techniques, tools, and principals involved in production of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.
- Tell me what have you done to improve your knowledge that related to Art director position since the last year?
Try to include improvements that are relevant to the job. A wide variety of activities can be mentioned as positive self-improvement. Have some good ones in handy to mention in this circumstance.
Employers tend to look for goal-oriented applicants. Show a desire for continuous learning by listing your non-work related hobbies. Regardless of what hobbies you choose to present, remember that the goal is to prove self-sufficiency, time management, and motivation.
Everyone should learn from his mistake. I always try to consult my mistakes with my friends and relatives, especially with elder and experienced persons.
- Do you know what are the main job duties and responsibilities of art director employee?
art director responsibilities are to formulate basic layout design or presentation approach and specify material details, such as style and size of type, photographs, graphics, animation, video, and sound; present final layouts to clients for approval; research current trends and new technology, such as printing production techniques, computer software, and design trends; create custom illustrations or other graphic elements;
Review and approve art materials, copy materials, and proofs of printed copy developed by staff members; manage own accounts and projects, working within budget and scheduling requirements; attend photo shoots and printing sessions to ensure that the products needed are obtained; review illustrative material to determine if it conforms to standards and specifications; confer with clients to determine objectives, budget, background information, and presentation approaches, styles, and techniques; confer with creative, art, copywriting, or production department heads to discuss client requirements and presentation concepts and to coordinate creative activities; work with creative directors to develop design solutions; negotiate with printers and estimators to determine what services will be performed;
Hire, train, and direct staff members who develop design concepts into art layouts or who prepare layouts for printing; mark up, paste, and complete layouts and write typography instructions to prepare materials for typesetting or printing; prepare detailed storyboards showing sequence and timing of story development for television production; conceptualize and help design interfaces for multimedia games, products, and devices.
- As you know design school never ends, at least for great designers. How do you learn and grow your knowledge and expertise?
Designers are curious, and want to know everything and get better with each passing day. Share your design secret on how you expand and improve your knowledge.
☛ How did you learn from your mistakes, and from mistakes made by others?
☛ What books do you recommend, how do you stay in touch with design trends?
☛ What are your influences in design?
☛ What magazines, design and creative blogs do you follow?
- Tell me what areas of your work or personal development are you hoping to explore further?
Discuss areas of personal development, with emphasis on visual design.
How would the designer become even better or branch out into different areas and expertise of the design spectrum?
- Tell us as an art director how you will find the right agency?
☛ Don’t follow the agency just because they have bigger names, try to look whether that agency has the work you are interested in
☛ Research on the working style of the agency, whether it is biased towards specific media usage
☛ Look whether agency allows you to implement your idea freely
☛ Check whether their billing process is transparent.
- Tell us what should an art director must do to make his content more appealing?
☛ Make your words pops
☛ Interpret the text for a visual culture
☛ Convey the message more with a picture and less with words
☛ Find editors, contributors, other brand and look into their work
- Please explain the term Duotone?
Duotone is an effect used to give a black & white photographic image that has been given a color tint by duplication of the image onto a second color channel. In Photoshop, there is a command Duotone that changes a grayscale image into a two color Duotone, three color Duotone or four color quad-tone.
- Tell me what was your biggest disappointment as an art director?
My biggest disappointed as an art director would be a few arrogant co-workers. Although I am an art director I do not see myself in a position higher than the others as that would be called a glorified manager. So it disappoints me when a few people see art as a black and white area and that one needs to be better or right.
- Explain me the most creative work related project you completed?
My team and I not only got to design the background and props for a new film, but we were also able to contribute to the film’s storyboard.
- Tell us do you have any writing experience?
Having worked with outside sources and overseas production I have written and communicated through many emails to get across many creative ideas and solutions. Also some personal writing through blogs and personal projects.
- Tell me what software do you use, and when?
Standard skills are a must, from Adobe to Sketch, but look for the extra during an interview.
Processing, illustration, animation, video, art skills, and the like, that bring extra potential to specific clients and projects.
- Tell me what is your biggest design career moment?
From awards, to happy clients, consumers, engaged public, social movement, and tangible results in skyrocketing numbers and profits, we want to hear it all.
How did it start, what happened, and why did you succeed?
- Tell me what constitutes good design?
We all know that good design conveys information and communicates ideas.
This may come as a general question, but you can explain it to us, and show us your knowledge, and describe good design by telling us about projects, products, visual identities, campaigns, and services, apps that inspired you or influenced you in any way.
Dieter Rams and his straightforward list of 10 principles in design, laid down key points, clearly stating what makes a good design. This information is a timeless source of inspiration and a great starting point to discuss projects that include these principles; it’s even better if a designer questions them.
- What kind of salary do you need as Art Director?
A loaded question. This is a nasty little game that you will probably lose if you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like, that’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position?
In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not, say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide range.
- Explain what makes a great app in terms of visual design?
A great app requires a unique visual design, a fast and understandable user experience and interaction.
Clear display of information and hierarchy are fundamental in how the user understands the intended visual communication of the app. memorable visual identity and association of colour are just a few elements that make a great app.
Show us some great apps and explain what makes them good. Likewise, explain how some popular apps could be improved upon.
- Explain me the abilities you have in order to work with us as art director?
I have the ability to come up with a number of ideas about a topic (the number of ideas is important, not their quality, correctness, or creativity), come up with unusual or clever ideas about a given topic or situation, or to develop creative ways to solve a problem, see details at close range (within a few feet of the observer), listen to and understand information and ideas presented through spoken words and sentences, communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.
- Tell me what are your strengths as Art Director?
Tell us what you do best and list the areas where you want to be even better. Please do show off (but don’t overdo it).
Concentrate on all the positive qualities that you would bring to a project, client or a brand. We know that you work hard, and might be a team player, but we want to know what you can create that would be excellent.
- Tell me how would you describe your work and your influences?
Look for elaborate and interesting stories, search for passion for design and design-thinking. References to history, design history, art, culture, music and architecture are useful when describing choices, intentions and solutions.
- Tell me why did you become an Art Director?
When discussing this theme, the energy and imagination behind the answers will give you an idea of the designer’s character and spirit.
Based on the answers, an interviewer can expand the interview based on the designer’s concept and style preferences, influences, historical references and everything that drives his/her’s professional career.
- Please explain me about an accomplishment you are most proud of?
I am most proud of when my team and I won an award for best design and originality for a film production we’ve worked on as we’ve all cooperated with each other and treated each other as equals. I was proud to see my team grow as time went by and I’m glad they were my team.
- Tell me what would you do if a project was late?
Ask everyone on board to be all hands on deck. If still not possible to meet deadline call client and express the ideas for managing the outcome of the late project.
- Tell me why do you want a career as an art director?
I want to contribute my vision of art and talent to inspire others along with guiding them to their own artistic journey.
- Do you know what does a video game art director do?
Video game art director is mainly responsible for
☛ Imagining and implementing artistic vision for a video game
☛ Communicating with the management, producers, game publisher and team
☛ Throughout the production process, he has to maintain the vision consistently
☛ Constant interaction with other studio department, to ensure that the art direction is feasible and supported properly
- What is art Director?
The look and feel of the entire production are in the hand of Art director. It advances art direction based on creative strategy given by the creative director and develops design and style for the ads.
- What is creative Director?
It designs and built the strategies to meet the business objective directed by the client. It establishes the overall creative direction and reports to a senior manager