Assam Police Recruitment 2023: Registration for 5563 posts begins today on

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Assam Police Recruitment 2023: The Assam State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB Assam) is going to begin the registration process for recruitment of 5,563 Sub Inspector (SI), Constable, Driver Constable and other vacancies today, October 15. Eligible candidates can apply for it up to November 1 on the website

Assam Police Recruitment 2023: Registration for 5563 posts begins today, apply on (Screenshot of official website)

Vacancy details:

Sub Inspector of Police (UB) in Assam Police: 144 vacancies

Sub Inspector (AB) in Assam Commando Battalions: 51 vacancies

Sub Inspector of Police (Communication) in Assam Police Radio Organisation (APRO): 7 vacancies

Constable of Police (Communication): 204 vacancies

Constable (Dispatch Rider): 2 vacancies

Constable (Messenger): 2 vacancies

Constable (Carpenter) in APRO: 2 vacancies

Constable (UB) and Constable AB (backlog) for Hill Tribe: 115 vacancies

Constable for Assam Commando Battalions: 164 vacancies

Constable (UB) Assam police: 1645 vacancies

Constables (AB) in Assam Police: 2300 vacancies

Constable (UB) in APRO: 1 vacancy

Assistant Deputy Controller, Civil Defence (Jr.): 1 vacancy

Civil Defence Demonstrator/Wireless Operator under DGCD & CGHG: 12 vacancies

Havilder under Directorate of Civil Defence and Home Guards: 2 vacancies

Nurse in Prison Department: 1

Laboratory Technician in Prison Department: 2

Teacher in Prison Department: 4

Craft Instructor in Prison Department: 2

Tractor Operator in Prison Department: 1

Driver Constable in Assam Police( Male): 654 vacancies

Boatman in Assam Police( Male): 58 vacancies

Cook (SDRF) under Fire & Emergency Services, Assam: 10 vacancies

Grade IV Staff in Assam Police: 54

Grade IV Staff in Assam Commando Battalions: 53

Grade IV Staff under DGCD & CGHG, Assam: 35

Safai Karmachari in Assam Police: 30

Safai Karmachari in Assam Commando Battalions: 2

Safai Karmachari under Prison Department: 2

Sweeper under Directorate Of Forensic Science: 3

Eligibility criteria, age limit, etc are different for each post. For more details, check notifications given on the SLPRB Assam website.

Here is the direct link.

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#Assam #Police #Recruitment #Registration #posts #begins #today

By bpci

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