Assam Police Registration 2023 begins for 5563 vacancies at; eligibility criteria, direct link here – Times of India

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SLPRB Assam Police Recruitment 2023: The State Level Recruitment Board (SLPRB) has started the online application process for Assam Police Recruitment 2023 today, October 15. Eligible candidates can apply for the recruitment through the official website of the Board at
As per the schedule, the SLPRB Assam Police Registration 2023 will be open from October 15 to November 01. The recruitment board aims to fill a total of 5563 vacancies through this recruitment drive. The posts for which candidates can apply include Sub Inspector, Constable, Assistant Deputy Controller, Nurse, Laboratory Technician, Craft Instructor, Driver, Cook, Grade IV staff, Havildar and Safai Karmachari.
Age Limit
The candidates must be between the age of 18 to 25 years as on January 01, 2023. However, upper-age relaxation is applicable to the candidates of the reserved categories.
Educational Qualification
i) Constable (UB): H.S. or Class XII passed from Govt. recognized Board or Council.
ii) Constable (AB): H.S.L.C or Class-X passed from Govt. recognized Board or Council.
Note: Candidates are advised to go through the detailed recruitment to find out the education criteria for the respective posts.
Download: Assam Police Recruitment Notification 2023
Medical Standards
Applicants are required to meet certain health criteria to be eligible for this position. Specifically, they should not have conditions like knocked knees, flat feet, squint eyes, or color blindness. Varicose veins will be considered a temporary disqualification. Candidates should not have any physical deformities or illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, hernia, hemorrhoids, respiratory conditions, or any other ailments that may hinder their ability to perform their duties efficiently. In terms of vision, distant vision for at least one eye should be 6/6 or better without correction, and not poorer than 6/9 for the other eye. Additionally, candidates should have a normal near vision.
Direct Link: SPLRB Assam Police Application Form
How to apply for Assam Police Recruitment 2023?
Step 1: Visit the official website of SLPRB Assam at
Step 2: On the homepage, click on ‘Apply Here’ button
Step 3: You will be redirected to a new page, register yourself and fill out the application form for Assam Police 2023
Step 4. Upload all the necessary documents and pay the application fee
Step 5: Now, submit the application form
Step 6: Download and take a printout of the application form for future reference
Application Fee
There is no application fee for the SLPRB Assam Police Recruitment 2023.

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Saurav Pandey

#Assam #Police #Registration #begins #vacancies #eligibility #criteria #direct #link #Times #India

By bpci

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