- 1. Tell me why should I go to an Astrologer and not a Psychologist?
What information a group of Psychologists can provide you over a period of several years, can be provided by an Astrologer in a few minutes just by observing your horoscope.
- 2. Explain me is astrology about fate or free will?
Most Astrologers say Astrology is all about free will and you can do anything you like. If this is the case, any beggar can become a king by exercising his free will. Astrology talks about your fate and at the same time gauges how much free will has been sanctioned by God as the result of your previous actions.
- 3. Please explain what is a chart wheel?
A chart wheel is a visual representation of the position of planets in the sky at the time of your birth. Your chart wheel is divided into twelve sections, which are referred to as “houses”. The planets reflect types of energies and how they express themselves and the houses represent the areas of life or the circumstances in which those energies express.
- 4. Tell me why should I believe in Astrology?
Astrology helps you on two planes. On material plane, it lets you understand your strengths and weaknesses. It helps you to decide whom to trust and whom not to. It guides you through the right times to conduct right activities. On spiritual plane, it helps you to understand your mission in this life. You can reach the ultimate goal of self-realization through Astrology. If you do not believe in Astrology, then you cannot get these benefits of Astrology which believers get.
- 5. Tell me what is the difference between Sun sign and Moon sign?
The sign (rasi) where the Sun is located at your time of birth is called Sun sign. The sign where the Moon is located at the time of your birth is called Moon sign.
- 6. Explain what does it mean if I’m “on the cusp?”?
Let’s say you were born very late at night on February 18. The Sun enters Pisces on February 19, so you’d be “on the cusp” between an Aquarius, the sign that comes before Pisces in the zodiac, and a Pisces. You would share a combination of the two signs’ personality traits! Lucky you!
- 7. Explain me does a short Life line represent a short life?
No. To judge the life span of a person, we should give importance to the Heart line. Then we should examine Life line along with the Head line and some other markings in the palms. Generally a short Life line represents deficit of iron, calcium and other mineral deposits in the person’s body.
- 8. Explain me is there any scientific proof for Astrology?
Are you sure that everything told by the scientists is correct? Before Galileo, scientists used to say that the earth is the centre of the universe and the Sun and other stars are revolving round the earth. After Galileo, the same scientists said that the Sun is the centre of our solar system and the earth and other planets are revolving round the Sun. The point is science is at infant state. It should grow to understand Astrology which is a super science.
- 9. Do you know what is a Rising sign?
Your Rising Sign or “Ascendant” reflects that 1/12th slice of the sky that was ascending on the Eastern horizon the moment you were born, and is located on the cusp of the First House of your astrological chart. Knowing your birth time is a necessary piece of information to determine your Rising Sign.
Your Rising Sign is an important part of your astrological chart, because it represents the way you project yourself outward, the way you’re seen and perceived by the rest of the world and the general “impression” that you make on others. It is frequently the case that a person will have a Rising Sign that is entirely different from their Sun Sign, and learning about your Rising Sign, and even reading your daily horoscope for that sign, can provide greater insight into your personal astrological makeup.
- 10. Tell me which planets are used in Astrology?
Astrology recognizes 10 bodies as “planets”:
The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and, yes, Pluto. But what about Earth, you ask? Astrology is Earth-centric — meaning it’s about the view of these other 10 planets from our place on Earth, which remains constant in the cosmos.
Each planet carries a different energy, and the locations of these planets throughout the cosmos can influence what happens in and around us here on Earth.
- 11. Aren’t the lines on the palm just creases formed by hand movement?
The lines of the palm are not formed because of folding the palms or movement of our hands. There are three reasons for this.
☛ 1) If the lines are formed just because of folding our palms, then you should see only horizontal lines in your palms, since you can fold your fingers down towards the inner palm. But, there are also lines which pass vertically in your palms.
☛ 2) If the lines are mere marks of movement of muscles then a manual laborer who works more with his hands should have more lines than those of a person who do sedentary jobs. But, in thousands of cases it is proved that the laborers have very few lines.
☛ 3) The lines in the palm are formed by the time the fetus is 10 weeks old. But the muscles to fold the palms are formed after 11 th week.
- 12. Do you know what a birth chart is?
A birth chart, or “natal chart” is your horoscope or astrological chart or graph drawn at the exact time of your birth. In order to get the most accurate birth chart possible, you need to know your time and date of birth, and your location of birth. Your birth chart explains everything Astrological about you, aspects that help define you based on when and where you were born.
- 13. Tell me what’s the difference between a planetary transit and an aspect/alignment?
A transit refers to the passage of each planet through a particular horoscope sign or house in the birth chart. Planetary aspects, on the other hand, are angles created by the varying positions of the planets in the sky in relation to one another. For example, Neptune may form an aspect to the Sun while it is transiting through Pisces.
- 14. Explain me Vedic Astrology predicts my future in one way and Western Astrology predicts my future in a different way – why is this disparity?
Vedic (Indian) Astrology, Western Astrology and Chinese Astrology are different systems developed by ancient seers. Your future does not change with any of these systems. The disparity arises depending on the understanding of these systems by the practicing Astrologers.
- 15. Tell me how gem stones influence our fate? How can I know which gem stone is suited for me?
Gem stones allow only one type of energy related to a particular planet into our body. So the problems related to that planet can be alleviated by wearing a gem stone. Most of the people wear gem stones depending on their birth star, moon sign or sun sign or just for fun. This is dangerous. An Astrologer can prescribe a suitable gem for you only after complete analysis of your horoscope.
- 16. Suppose I don’t have my birth details like date, time and place of birth. How can I know my future?
Astrology needs your correct date, time and place of birth to erect your horoscope and predict your future. If you do not have these details, then it is better switch to Palmistry which can predict your future from your palms.
- 17. Some said that my birth star is not compatible with that of my prospective partner and hence we should not marry. Can you guide us in this regard?
To judge whether two people can marry or not – an Astrologer should judge the planetary compatibility in the horoscopes of both the bride and bridegroom. A single factor like ‘star’, ‘yoni’ or ‘rajju’ alone should not be given importance in deciding a match.
- 18. As you know these days everybody claims being an Astrologer. How can I recognize a real Astrologer?
An Astrologer should either descend from an Astrologers’ family or he should be a qualified Astrologer from a recognized University. It is better if he has some experience. He should perform spiritual practices and lead a pious life as prescribed by the scriptures. Priests, pundits, tantriks, mantriks, psychic practitioners, etc., should not be confused with Astrologers.
- 19. I came to know that in case of a woman, her left palm should be referred and in case of a man, it is the right palm. Is it so?
A Palmist should refer both the palms in case of a man or woman. Conclusions should never be given based on a single palm.
- 20. Tell me can I change my future? If everything is destined by God, then how Astrology can help me?
If you can change your future as you like, then where God stands? You can change only a few things in your life that are allowed by God depending on your past actions. Astrology gives guidance in those areas to take correct steps in correct times to reap maximum benefits. Certain other things which are not sanctioned by God cannot be changed by you or anyone else.
- 21. Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Tarot reading, Crystal gazing, Graphology etc… Which one is reliable?
You can rely on any of the above subjects as far as you are deriving correct guidance.
- 22. Tell me why the predictions given by two Astrologers on the same event differ? Doesn’t it prove Astrology is wrong?
You are asking a question like this: When the same operation is done by two doctors, why one operation is successful and why the other one is failing? Doesn’t it prove that the entire medical science is wrong?
- 23. Tell me what are Astrological aspects?
Astrology helps you on two planes. On material plane, it lets you understand your strengths and weaknesses. It helps you to decide whom to trust and whom not to. It guides you through the right times to conduct right activities. On spiritual plane, it helps you to understand your mission in this life. You can reach the ultimate goal of self-realization through Astrology. If you do not believe in Astrology, then you cannot get these benefits of Astrology which believers get.
- 24. Tell me why is my birth time important?
The planets are constantly moving around and switching from aspect to aspect, so the difference of an hour can affect your birth chart, Moon sign and Rising sign — and in turn, this will affect who you are. You can find your birth time information from your birth certificate or by asking your parents. The closer you can get to your specific birth time, the better.
- 25. Tell me what’s a Sun sign?
Your Sun Sign is crucial to your birth chart, and represents your general temperament. It is determined simply by the day and month of your birth.
While it’s is a mistake to think that knowing about your Sun Sign is going to deliver information about how you process things, interact with the world or deal with emotions and relationships, it does represent your basic individuality and forms the foundation for your horoscopes. Going further into your horoscope, more specific aspects of your being are reflected by other heavenly bodies and how they all are “accepted” to each other. Your Sun sign is just the beginning, but it’s a great place to start!
- 26. Explain what are Astrological aspects?
As planets move through the universe, they form angles to one another. These angles indicate the relationship between two planets and how they will work together.
- 27. Tell me can Astrology predict future?
Why not? Since your present actions are mere reflections of your past deeds, and the future depends on your present actions, there is always a connection between past, present and future. By erecting the horoscope of a person, an Astrologer can understand his past, present and future. Even Astrology can tell you about your previous birth.
- 28. Tell me why people are more concerned about Kuja dosha (ill effect of Mars)?
When Mars (Mangalik) is in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th from your Ascendant or Moon sign, it is called Kuja dosha. Even though several exemptions are for this rule, it is found that Mars is becoming inimical especially in relation to married life when posited in these places. If Kuja dosha is found in the horoscopes of both the bride and bride groom, then it becomes neutralized and cannot cause harm. So people with Kuja dosha should contact an Astrologer just before fixing their match.
- 29. Tell me what is Panchanga or Almanac?
Panchanga comprises of 5 elements:
☛ Thithi (lunar day),
☛ Vaara (day of the week),
☛ Yoga (Luni-Solar combination),
☛ Nakshatra (constellation) and
☛ Karana (half part of a thithi).
These 5 elements give an idea regarding the auspicious and inauspicious moments day by day and the type of activities to be done or not to be done on each day. You would be successful , if you start the ventures at those auspicious moments.
- 30. Tell me what about twins? They are born on the same day, location and almost the same time?
Because twins are born at the same day and time, their horoscopes would be same. Thus the influence of planets and stars will be same on them. But there would be difference in the quantity of the influence received by each of the twins. The individual capacity of receiving the cosmic energy varies from person to person depending on other factors like their actions in the previous birth and their exposure to present social conditions.
- 31. Suppose Astrology is so great, then why some predictions go wrong?
Astrology deals with the behavior of the human beings and the results of his actions. Since the life of a human being is very complex, decoding and understanding the influence of planets and stars is also very complex. Astrology provides very accurate picture of a human being’s life, but only a competent Astrologer can understand and interpret the picture correctly. If predictions go wrong, we cannot blame Astrology. We should blame the Astrologer.
- 32. Tell me what are Astrological houses?
The “houses” of your birth chart help to pinpoint a planet and a zodiac sign’s specific influence over your life. For example, you may have the planet Venus in the sign of Aries, and your best friend might have her Venus in Aries too — but they probably fall in different houses in your individual birth charts, thereby impacting entirely different areas of your life with that Venus in Aries energy — which makes you entirely different people.
- 33. Explain what’s a Moon sign?
Every 2 and 1/3 days, the Moon moves from one sign to the next, taking a total of 28 days to do a complete trip around the zodiac, stopping for a visit in one of each of the twelve signs of the zodiac before starting the same journey all over again. The Moon moves quickly, which speaks to your ever-changing moods and emotions.
If your Rising Sign represents your “external” self, it can be said that your Moon Sign represents your “inner” or “emotional” self, or the way you handle your emotions and the way you truly feel, whether you reveal it or not. To most astrologers, the moon is also about your intuition, your inner vulnerabilities, your fears as well as the things that can stir your heart. As is the case with the Ascendant, your Moon Sign may be entirely different from your Sun Sign, and reading your daily horoscope for your Moon Sign can also provide yet more insight into your personal astrological makeup. Learn about all the different Moon signs and how they shape your inner self.
- 34. Explain me what’s a horoscope?
Daily horoscopes are the most commonly recognized form of Astrology in the world. While it’s difficult to write an accurate and detailed horoscope that speaks to every single person’s specific situation, horoscopes can be a wonderful tool for getting the general astrological “lay of the land,” and a good daily astrologer is expert at keeping us apprised of general conditions