ATVC 2023: Sixth Season of Aravalli Terrain Vehicle Championship to be held from March 1 to 5 – Times of India

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PUNE: The sixth season of Aravalli Terrain Vehicle Championship (ATVC) 2023, a National Level Education and Innovation Festival to promote Skill India, Startup India, Go Green and Make India, initiatives taken by the Government of India has organized by Infi-League motorsports & hosted by Nutan Maharashtra Institute of Engineering and Technology, Talegaon Dabhade & Orison Education India Limited. It is a 5-daylong event, starting from March 1st to 5th, 2023 to earmark all the techno freaks across the country, a statement issued by the organisers said.
This season of the grand and challenging dune buggy championship targets more than 100 teams with over 3500 participants who are aspiring engineering undergraduates and diploma holders of a recognized institution. The event will be focused on the practical implementation of technical studies, creating awareness about the latest developments in the automobile industry, connecting Automobile Industry & student community, team building, entrepreneurship, risk-taking capabilities, and managerial skills to promote e-Vehicle technology, envisaging the future transports & automobile industry.
Students from engineering, diploma, and college clubs relating to Automation engineering can participate in the event. Approximately 3500 budding engineers from 80plus engineering College across 22 states and UT are participating in an exhilarating line of events for 5 days. Teams are from IIT’s, NIT’S and other engineering colleges from Pan India.
Team Infi League Motorsports is building the 3 different tracks (around 4 KM in 30 Acre land at Nutan Maharashtra Engineering college Talegaon) to check the vehicle maneuverability suspension & Traction and finally on the fifth day all the team will participate in the race with all the safety guidelines.

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By bpci

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