BEL Recruitment 2023: Apply Online for 205 Project/Trainee Engineer Posts, Check Eligibility & More

Jagran Josh

BEL Recruitment is out for Project/Trainee Engineers on the official website. Candidates can check the detailed information mentioned below which includes the educational qualification, age limit, and other important details for BEL Project/Trainee Engineer.

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has released the recruitment notification 2023 on a contract basis for Project/Trainee Engineers on its official website –

As per the notification, the application process will start on June 8, 2023, and will end on June 24, 2023. Interested candidates for BEL Project/Trainee Engineer can check the detailed article here for the vacancy, age limit, salary, etc. 

As per the notification, the contract for Project Engineer is of 3 years which may be extended to a maximum of 1 year based on the project requirement and the candidate’s performance and the contract for Trainee Engineer is of 2 years which may be extended to a maximum of 1 year based on the project requirement and the candidate’s performance.

Candidates are advised to carefully read the BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment Notification 2023 before applying to ascertain their eligibility for the post. 

BEL Recruitment 2023

As per the notification, the contract for Project Engineer is of 3 years which may be extended to a maximum of 1 year based on the project requirement and the candidate’s performance and the contract for Trainee Engineer is of 2 years which may be extended to a maximum of 1 year based on the project requirement and the candidate’s performance.

Candidates are advised to carefully read the BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment Notification 2023 before applying to ascertain their eligibility for the post. 

BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment 2023: Overview

BEL Recruitment will fill positions for Project/Trainee Engineer. Check out the important details for the BEL Project/Trainee Engineer recruitment 2023 listed here.

BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment 2023

Recruitment Authority


Posts Name

Project/Trainee Engineer

Total Vacancies


Mode of Application


Selection process

Written Test and Interview

BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF

Candidates can download the recruitment PDF through the direct link provided below. Candidates are advised to read the official advertisement properly before applying for the vacancies announced for the posts of Project/Trainee Engineer by BEL. Download the official notification through the link given below. 


BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment 2023 Notification

Download PDF


BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment Notification Important Dates and Details

Candidates can check the important dates in the table given below. The recruitment dates have been announced along with the notification. 

BEL Project/Trainee Engineer  Recruitment Important Dates

Online Application Begins

June 8, 2023

Online Application closes on

June 24, 2023

Written Test

To be announced soon


BEL Project/Trainee Engineer Application Fees

As per the notification, released by BEL Corporation Limited, the application fee for different categories is tabulated below


Application Fee

General/EWS/OBC (Project Engineer)

Rs. 400 + 18% GST

General/EWS/OBC (Trainee Engineer)

Rs. 150 + 18% GST




BEL Project/Trainee Engineer 2023 :Vacancy

As per the notification, 205 vacancies are release by the recruitment body. The number of vacancies announced for each post is tabulated below


Number of Posts

Trainee Engineer


Project Engineer





BEL Project/Trainee Engineer 2023 Eligibility

Candidates applying for the BEL Project/Trainee must read here about the minimum educational qualification requirement and age limit

BEL Project/Trainee Educational Qualification:

As per the notification, all the candidates applying for the posts should have full time 4 years B.SC(Engineering)/B.E./B.Tech from any AICTE-recognized institute/university with a minimum of 6 months of relevant experience.

The candidates belonging to the General/EWS/OBC category should have scored a minimum of 55% marks aggregate of all semesters/years whereas candidates from reserved category (SC/ST/OBC/PwD) should have only pass class marks

BEL Project/Trainee Age Limit

As per the notification, as on June 1, 2023, the upper age of the candidates applying for Trainee Engineer should not be more than 28 years and the upper age of candidates applying for Project Engineer should not be more than 32 years. However, age relaxation will be provided as per government norms.


BEL Project/Trainee Engineer Selection Process

The selection of the candidates will be done through:

  • Written Test
  • Interview
  • Document Verification

BEL Project/Trainee Engineer Salary

As per the notification, Project Engineer will be paid consolidated remuneration of Rs. 40,000/-

per month for the 1st year, Rs. 45,000/- for 2nd year, Rs. 50,000/- for 3rd year and in the event of

extension of contract Rs. 55,000/- for 4th year.

Trainee Engineer will be paid consolidated remuneration of Rs. 30,000/- per month for the 1st year, Rs. 35,000/- for 2nd year and in the event of extension of contract Rs. 40,000/- for the 3rd year. 

How to Apply for BEL Project/Trainee Engineer Posts

  1. Visit the official website of BEL.
  2. On the homepage, click on Careers then Recruitment-Advertisement
  3. Now click on Apply for the posts.
  4. Fill out the required details.
  5. Submit the application and download it for future reference.

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