Bihar Board matric result 2023: Scrutiny registration begins – Times of India

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Bihar Board Result 2023: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) today started the scrutiny registration process for Matric candidates on the official website.
The board exam results for class 10 were released on March 31, 2023, and now the students who are not satisfied with their results can apply for scrutiny at Apart from that, students who have been placed under compartment, they can also apply for scrutiny. The scrutiny process provides students with an opportunity to get their answer sheets re-evaluated and get their marks revised.
The Bihar Board 10th examination witnessed a total of 16,10,657 registrations for the Matric exam, out of which 13,05,203 students passed, achieving an overall pass percentage of 81.04%. These results were declared on March 31, 2023.
As per the topper list released by the Bihar Board, Md Rumman Ashraf from Islamia High School Sheikhpura topped the exam with 489 marks. Namrata Kumari from Nirmala Shiksha Bhawan H/S Shahpur Pati and Gyani Anupama from Project Girls High School Goh, Aurangabad secured the second position by scoring 486 marks each.
Direct link to apply online for Bihar Board Scrutiny 2023
The Bihar Board has stated that the Matric compartment exam results will be announced on or before May 31, 2023. Students who could not pass the regular exams have another chance to clear their papers and continue their studies. The compartment exams are conducted for students who could not qualify in one or two subjects in the regular exams.
It is important for the students who are applying for scrutiny to keep the deadline in mind and complete the registration process before the last date. The Bihar Board has made the scrutiny process easier and convenient for students by providing an online registration facility. They can visit the official website of Bihar Board, and apply for scrutiny by filling in the required details.

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Sanjay Sharma

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