Bihar govt takes steps to strengthen education sector; district magistrates ordered to inspect all schools – ET Government

news/education – Government News | Latest news on eGovernance, Digital India, Smart Cities | ET Government :

In a letter issued to the officials, including District Education Officers, they have been directed to take permission from the ACS to avail leaves.

The Bihar government will initiate a slew of measures to strengthen the education sector such as carrying out regular inspection of government schools and deduction of a day’s salary for teachers found absent during the exercise, a circular said.

Officials of the department will need permission directly from the Additional Chief Secretary (ACS) even if they travel outside their district headquarters for appearing before a court.

District Magistrates have been urged to ensure inspection of all schools, at least twice every week, and take steps for deduction of a day’s salary for teachers found absent during the inspection.

According to a circular issued by the State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) on June 24, all officials and other staff at the SCERT have been asked to report for work at 9.30 in the morning and continue till 8 pm on weekdays.

The offices will function till 6 pm on Saturdays.

The new work schedule will be effective from June 26.

All officials would have to strictly adhere to the new work schedule and the attendance of the officials will be reviewed weekly, the circular said.

In a letter issued to the officials, including District Education Officers, they have been directed to take permission from the ACS to avail leaves.

“Only in emergencies, they can take permission from their immediate bosses”, the letter says.

In another letter sent to all District Magistrates (DMs) on June 23, K K Pathak (ACS, Bihar Education department) has requested the former to monitor the functioning of government schools, implementation of the midday meal scheme, condition of toilets in schools, availability of drinking water and attendance of teachers and other staff in their respective areas at least twice in a week.

“This monitoring will start from July 1. The DMs can engage other staff also for the purpose. All DMs are requested to get details about government schools, teachers, and other education department officials falling in their respective districts at the earliest,” says the letter.

The letter also said all government schools must be inspected at least twice a week.

“If a teacher is found absent during inspection, the district education officer should immediately deduct a day’s salary from the absent teacher. And disciplinary action should be initiated against the absentee teacher,” it read.

  • Published On Jun 26, 2023 at 01:10 PM IST

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