Bihar NMMS Result 2023: Bihar NMMS Result 2023 released on, toppers list here – Times of India

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The State Council of Educational Research and Training, Bihar has declared the result for the Bihar National Means cum Merit Scholarship Exam 2023. Candidates who took the NMMS examination can check their results on the official website at
Bihar NMSE 2023 was held on January 22, 2023. Now, the authorities have released the list of students who are eligible for the scholarship scheme. It must be noted that the scores of MAT and SAT were included while preparing the final result. Students and parents can access the result with the help of their ‘Roll Number’ and ‘Password’.
Direct Link: Bihar NMMS Result 2023
SCERT has also released the minimum qualifying marks for NMMS 2023. Candidates from the General category are required to secure at least 40% marks, while students from reserved categories need to score a minimum of 32%.
Bihar NMMS Topper List 2023

How to check NMMS 2023 Result?
Step 1. Go to the official website at
Step 2. On the homepage, go to ‘Announcements’ section
Step 3. Now, click on the link that reads, “NMMSS Academic Year 2022-23 (Project Year 2023-24) Exam Result”
Step 4. Login using your ‘Roll Number’ and “Exam Date’
Step 5. Your Bihar NMMS result will be displayed on the screen
Step 6. Download and take a printout of the result for future reference
NMMS Scheme
The National Means-cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme was initiated by the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education. It was implemented in 2008 with the objective to award scholarships to meritious students of economically weaker sections to arrest their drop out at class 8th and encourage them to continue their study at the secondary stage.

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Saurav Pandey

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