BITSAT 2023 registration process ends today, apply at

Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times

Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani will close online applications for the BITS admission test or BITSAT 2023 today, April 15. Candidates who have not applied yet can apply online through the official website at

BITSAT 2023 registration process ends today, apply at

The BITSAT 2023 exam will be conducted online twice, between May 22 and 26 and June 18 to 22, 2023. From April 16 to April 20, 2023, candidates will be the available dates for the revision or edit window. Candidates can not modify or change their registered mobile number or email address. The applications for only BITSAT Session-2 would open from 23rd May to 12th June 2023.

A candidate who decides to appear twice would have to pay a fee of Rs. 5400 for men and Rs. 4400 for women. A fee of Rs. 3400 (for a male candidate) and Rs. 2900 (for a female candidate) would be charged to those who want to appear only once (in Session 1 or Session 2). An additional fee of Rs. 2000 (for a male candidate) and Rs. 1500 (for a female candidate) must be paid if a candidate who chooses to appear in Session – only then decides to apply separately to appear a second time (Session 2).

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#BITSAT #registration #process #ends #today #apply

By bpci

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