Boost Your Career With Courses In Fields Expected To Generate Jobs In Next Few Years – News18

Top Education-career News-

In the next 5 years, there will be many jobs in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

The craze of startups is also increasing among young professionals.

Children often find themselves in a state of confusion when it comes to choosing career options after completing their 12th grade, and this dilemma can also be a major headache for parents. Adding to the complexity, over the next 5 years, the field of Artificial Intelligence is expected to offer numerous new job opportunities, making the decision even more challenging. With the rapid advancement of technology in today’s world, a wide range of career options has emerged, leaving students bewildered about the ideal path to pursue.

Furthermore, the growing trend of startups has captured the interest of young professionals. Some individuals choose to expand their startups after gaining a basic understanding of the job market. For students who have recently completed their 12th grade, it is crucial to plan their career trajectory for the next 5 years. Most students will enter the job market after pursuing further studies for approximately 4-5 years. Therefore, it is essential to consider job options with increasing demand in the coming years.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has published a report called “WEF Future of Jobs 2023,” which analyses the job market for the next 5 years. This report serves as a valuable resource for crafting a career plan. Based on the report’s findings, the following job options are expected to witness a surge in demand:

AI and Machine Learning Specialist (Machine Learning Projects)

Business Intelligence Analyst

Information Security Analyst

Fintech Engineer

Robotics Engineer

Electrotechnology Engineer

Agricultural Equipment Operator

Digital Transformation Specialist

Social Media Specialist

Web Designing / App Designing (Web Designing Course)

It is important to note that while certain sectors will witness job growth, approximately 83 million jobs are predicted to be lost over the next five years. Job opportunities in fields such as data entry, material-recording and stock-keeping clerks, accounting, bookkeeping, and payroll clerks, among others, may decrease (Clerk Job).

Despite this projection, it is crucial to follow your passion and pursue a career in a specific field or subject. Passion and hard work are instrumental in achieving success in any chosen career path.

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By bpci

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