BPSC 32nd Bihar Judicial Services Prelims Answer Key 2023 Released – News18

Top Education-career News- News18.com

Published By: Sukanya Nandy

Last Updated: July 14, 2023, 16:55 IST

BPSC 32nd Bihar Judicial Services prelims exam was conducted on June 4 (Representative image)

BPSC Recruitment 2023: Candidates who are not satisfied with the solutions mentioned in the answer key or want to challenge the same, can raise objections through offline mode only

The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has made the tentative answer key available for the 32nd Bihar Judicial Services Preliminary Examination 2023 on July 13. Candidates who appeared for the preliminary exam, which was conducted on June 4, can now access and download the provisional answer key from the official website of BPSC, bpsc.bih.nic.in.

The commission has released the 32nd Bihar Judicial Services Prelims answer key of General Studies and Law subjects for question paper series A, B, C, and D.

BPSC 32nd Bihar Judicial Services Prelims answer key: How to Download

Step 1: Log on to bpsc.bih.nic.in, the official site of BPSC.

Step 2: Choose the link that states, 32nd Bihar Judicial Services (Preliminary) Competitive Exam 2023 answer key link,’ available on the homepage.

Step 3: After opting for the category you appeared in, your tentative answer key will be displayed on the screen.

Step 4: Cross-check your answers and download the answer key if necessary.

BPSC 32nd Bihar Judicial Services Prelims answer key: How to Raise Objection

Along with the 32nd Bihar Judicial Services Prelims tentative answer key, candidates who are not satisfied with the solutions mentioned in the answer key or want to challenge the same, can raise objections through offline mode only.

The complaint form should include the candidate’s name, roll number, and address, and should be sent through Speed Post to the Examination Controller, Bihar Public Service Commission, 15, Nehru Path (Bailey Road), Patna – 800001. The envelope should reach the Bihar Public Service Commission by July 22, till 5 PM. The examination name must be written on the envelope. Objections and suggestions without valid sources/evidence will not be considered for review.

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Objections and suggestions submitted via email, any objections received after the specified date, and time will not be taken into consideration.

“The answers provided by the BPSC are provisional in nature. A committee of subject experts will conduct a thorough review of all the objections received from various sources. Subsequently, the same committee will conduct another comprehensive review to prepare the final model answers for all the questions,” reads the official notification. The commission also stated that the final model of answers, prepared by the committee of subject matter experts, would serve as the basis for evaluating the OMR answer sheets.

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