Latest Education news – Board Exam Results, Admit Cards, Exam Paper Analysis and Question Papers | Times of India
The BPSC Admit Card 2023 was released on January 28, 2023. As per the schedule, the Prelims will be conducted on February 12. The entry gate of the examination centres will open at 9:30 AM. Candidates will be allowed to sit in the examination hall one hour before the commencement of the exam i.e., 11:00 AM.
Download link: BPSC 68th Prelims Admit Card
How to download BPSC 68th Prelims Hall Ticket?
Step 1: Visit the official website of Bihar Public Service Commission at
Step 2: On the homepage, login using your username and password
Step 3. Your BPSC Prelims admit card will open on the screen
Step 4. Check all the details mentioned in the hall ticket
Step 5. Download and take a printout of the admit card for future reference
BPSC Prelims 2023: Important Exam Day Instructions
↪ Reach the examination centre well in advance
↪ Carry a copy of admit card on the date of examination.
↪ Along with the admit card, candidates will have to produce a valid photo ID card such as Aadhar Card, Voter ID, PAN Card or Driving License.
↪ Carry one coloured photograph, it will be pasted on attendance sheet in the presence of the invigilator.
↪ Marker, white fluid, blade, eraser are prohibited at the examination centre.
↪ Electronic gadgets like mobile phones, bluetooth, smartwatches etc. are strictly prohibited.
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Saurav Pandey
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