BSE Odisha HSC 10th Result 2023: Matric result on May 18 at 10 am

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BSE Odisha 10th Result 2023 Date, Time: Board of Secondary Education Odisha has confirmed the date and time for Class 10th or Matric or HSC results 2023. According to BSE President Ramashis Hazra, Odisha Matric result will be declared on May 18, at 10 am.

BSE Odisha HSC 10th Result 2023: Matric result date and time announced(HT File)

Once declared, students can check Odisha HSC result 2023 on the official website of the board – Odisha Matric result will also be hosted on

To check Odisha 10th result, students have to login to the board website using roll number and date of birth.

For other information related to the Odisha 10th examination, students can check the official website of the board.

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By bpci

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