Board Exams 2024: Get Exam Results updates, Date Sheet, Syllabus, Time table of CBSE and State Board Exams | Hindustan Times
Jan 27, 2025 10:25 AM IST
Entry for the first shift will be allowed till 9 am and entry for the second shift will be permitted till 1:30 pm.
Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has informed that Intermediate or Class 12 board exam candidates will be allowed to enter the exam venues up to 30 minutes before the exam’s start time.
BSEB Inter Exam 2025: Important notice on entry, gate closing time released(Santosh Kumar )
This means entry for the first shift will be allowed till 9 am and entry for the second shift will be permitted till 1:30 pm.
The board has asked candidates to reach the venue one hour before the start of the examination to avoid crowding.
Once the gates are closed, no candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall, BSEB said.
If a candidate tries to enter the exam venue forcefully after the gates are closed, s/he will be banned from the exam for two years.
BSEB has released admit cards for the Class 12th or Intermediate final examinations through school login at
The Class 12 Practical exams were held from January 10 to 20.
The BSEB Inter theory examinations are scheduled for February 1 to 15, and the Matric final examinations are scheduled for February 17 to 25.
Both classes’ theory exams will be held in two shifts, starting at 9:30 am and 2 pm.
Students will get fifteen minutes as the cool-off time before answering the questions.
Bihar Board Class 12 Science stream exams will begin with the Biology paper.
On the first day, Arts stream students will appear for the Philosophy paper in the morning shift and for the Economics paper in the afternoon shift.
BSEB Class 12 Commerce stream exams will begin with the Economics paper.
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News/Education/Board Exams/ BSEB Inter Exam 2025: Bihar board releases important notice on entry, gate closing time