BSEB Releases BElEd Admit Card At; How To Download – News18

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Students who have registered themselves for the examination can download hall tickets by using their username and password created during registration (Representative Image)

The hall tickets are released for the first and second year students at the official website,

The Bihar School Examination Board has released the admit cards for the Bihar Diploma in elementary education 2023. The hall tickets are released for the first and second year students at the official website, Students who have registered themselves for the examination can download hall tickets by using their username and password created during registration.

BElEd Admit Card 2023: How to download

Step 1- Visit the official website,

Step 2- On the right hand side, under important links section select ‘Final Admit Card : D.El.Ed. Session: 2022-2024(1st Yr) & Session:2021-2023(2nd Yr) Exam, 2023’

Step 3- Candidates have to then select the link which mentions ‘Online Registration 2022-2024 For Diploma in Elementary Education ( F to F)’

Step 4- The new tab will ask for username and password.

Step 5- Select the Login option after verifying the details.

Step 6- The admit card will open on the screen and students have to download the hall ticket. No candidate will enter the examination hall without BElEd admit card.

The Bihar DElEd timetable for students taking the first and second years of board exams was also made public by the Board. Except for Arwal districts, whose exams are scheduled for July 17–20, all other districts’ examination will be conducted from July 10–15. Candidates who failed the previous year’s test or were flagged as being absent and have submitted an application to attend this year examination will be required to participate in the failed subject as well as all external subjects in order to finish the DElEd programme. The first shift for the examination will take place between 9.30 am and 12.45 pm, and the second shift will run between 2 pm and 5.15 pm.

Candidates who had cleared intermediate or class 12 from Bihar Board or any other recognized boards applied for BSEB DElEd. Further, they must have scored at least 50 per cent marks in class 12 – for general category candidates and a minimum of 45 per cent marks for reserved category candidates).

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By bpci

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