Jagran Josh
Haryana Board Class 9 Science Syllabus 2023-2024: Board of School Education Haryana(BSEH) has released its syllabus for the current academic session 2024. In this article, we have covered HBSE Class 9 Mathematics Syllabus 2024, in detail. Students in Class 9 who are going to appear for HBSE Annual Examinations 2024 should have a look at this syllabus. Here, we have also attached Question Paper Design for HBSE Annual Examinations 2024.
As per HBSE’s syllabus, the Class 9 Science annual examination would be for 60 marks. 20 marks will be dedicated to multiple internal assessments and rest 20 marks will be allotted to multiple practical assessments. The breakdown for internal and practical assessments has been presented below:
- Two experiments of 6 marks each.
- One activity of 3 marks.
- Practical record of 2 marks.
- Viva-voce of 3 marks
There will be a Periodic Assessment that would include:
- For 6 marks- Three SAT exams will be conducted and will have a weightage of 06 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
- For 2 marks- One half-yearly exam will be conducted and will have a weightage of 02 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
- For 2 marks- The subject teacher will assess and give maximum 02 marks for CRP (Classroom participation).
- For 5 marks- A project work to be done by students and will have a weightage of 05 marks towards the final Internal Assessment.
- For 5 marks- Attendance of student will be awarded 05 marks as: Above 75% to 80% – 01 marks
Above 80% to 85% – 02 marks
Above 85% to 90% – 03 marks
Above 90% to 95% – 04 marks
Above 95% to 100% – 05 marks
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HBSE Class 9 Mathematics Syllabus 2023-2024
HBSE Class 9 Science Detailed Chapter-wise Syllabus 2024:
Unit 1: Matter-Nature and Behaviour
Chapter 1: Matter in Our Surroundings
Physical nature of matter: Matter is made up of particles, How small are these particles of matter; Characteristics of particles of matter: Particles of matter have space between them, Particles of matter are continuously moving, Particles of matter attract each other; States of Matter: The solid-state, The liquid state, The gaseous state; Can Matter change its state: Effect of change of temperature, Effect of change of pressure; Evaporation: Factors affecting evaporation, How does evaporation cause cooling
Chapter 2: Is Matter around us Pure?
What is a mixture: Type of mixtures; What is a solution: Concentration of a solution, What is a suspension, What is a colloidal solution; Physical and Chemical changes; What are the types of pure substances: Elements, Compounds
Chapter 3: Atoms and Molecules
Laws of chemical combination: Law of conservation of mass, Law of constant proportions; What is an atom: What are the modern day symbols of atoms of different elements, Atomic mass, How do atoms exist; What is a molecule: Molecules of elements, Molecules of compounds, What is an ion; Writing chemical formulae: Formulae of simple compounds; Molecular mass: Molecular mass, Formula unit mass
Chapter 4: Structure of the Atom
Charged particles in matter; The structure of an atom: Thomson’s model of an atom, Rutherford’s model of an atom, Bohr’s model of an atom, Neutrons; How are electrons distributed in different orbits (shells); Valency; Atomic number and mass number: Atomic number, Mass Number; Isotopes: Isobars.
Unit 2: Organization in the Living World
Chapter 5: The Fundamental Unit of Life
What are living organisms made of; What is a Cell Made Up of? What is the Structural Organisation of a Cell: Plasma membrane or Cell Membrane, Cell wall, Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell organelles: Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, Lysosomes, Mitochondria, Plastids, Vacuoles; Cell Division.
Chapter 6: Tissues
Are plants and animals made up of the same type of tissues; Plant tissues: Meristematic tissue, Permanent tissue: Simple permanent tissue, Complex permanent tissue; Animal tissues: Epithelial tissue, Connective tissue, Muscular tissue, and Nervous tissue.
Unit 3: Motion, Force and Work
Chapter 7: Motion
Describing motion: Motion along a straight line, Uniform motion, and non-uniform motion; Measuring the rate of motion: Speed with direction; Rate of change of velocity; Graphical representation of motion: Distance-time graphs, Velocity-time graphs; Uniform circular motion
Chapter 8: Force and Laws of Motion
Balanced and Unbalanced forces; First law of motion; Inertia and mass; Second law of motion: Mathematical formulation of the second law of motion; Third law of motion
Chapter 9: Gravitation
Gravitation: Universal law of gravitation, Importance of universal law of gravitation; Free fall: To calculate the value of g, Motion of objects under the influence of the gravitational force of earth; Mass; Weight: Weight of an object on the moon; Thrust and pressure: Pressure in fluids, Buoyancy, Why objects float or sink when placed on the surface of water; Archimedes’ principle
Chapter 10: Work and Energy
Work: Not much ‘work’ in spite of working hard, Scientific conception of work, Work done by a constant force; Energy: Forms of energy, Kinetic energy, Potential energy, Potential energy of an object at a height, Are various energy forms interconvertible, Law of conservation of energy; Rate of doing work
Chapter 11: Sound
Production of sound; Propagation of sound: Sound waves are longitudinal waves, Characteristics of a sound wave, Speed of sound in different media; Reflection of sound: Echo, Reverberation, Uses of multiple reflection of sound; Range of hearing; Applications of ultrasound.
Unit 4: Food Production
Chapter 12: Improvement in food resources
Improvement in crop yields: Crop variety improvement, Crop production management: Nutrient management, Irrigation, Cropping patterns, Crop protection management; Animal Husbandry: Cattle farming, Poultry farming, Fish production: marine fisheries, inland fisheries, Beekeeping.
- Show that gases are readily compressible, and liquids are not.
- Study the changes in the state of sublimate solids on heating.
- Prepare a solution of common salt of 10% composition by mass.
- Study the different parts of a compound microscope.
- Prepare a stained, temporary mount of onion peel and study its cells.
- Study different types of animal tissues with the help of a chart. 7. Plot distance – time (s–t) graph for an object moving with a uniform speed from a given set of s and t data to determine the speed of the object.
- Plot the velocity–time (v-t) graph for an object moving with uniform accelerations from a given set of v-t data and to determine the acceleration of the moving object and the distance moved by the object.
- Study the third law of motion using two spring balance
- Verify Archimedes’ principle
- Study the reflection of sound.
- Collect seeds of different types of cereals, pulses and oil seeds.
Prescribed Books:
- Science- Textbook for Class IX, BSEH Publication (© NCERT)
- Laboratory Manual-Science-Class IX, NCERT Publication
- Exemplar Problems- Science-Class IX, NCERT Publication
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