2023 12th Result and Other Direct Official Website Links to Check HBSE Class 12 Result

Jagran Josh

HBSE Haryana Board Result 2023: The Haryana board has released the class 12th results today, May 15, 2023, online. Students who have appeared for the board exams can check their respective marksheets by entering the login details through the official website: and

HBSE Haryana Class 12th Result 2023: The Board of School Education, Haryana (BSEH) has announced the class 12th results today, May 15, 2023, in online mode. However, the link to check the marksheet will be activated soon. Candidates can check their scores from the official website i.e. This year, over 2.6 lakh students have appeared for Haryana board class 12th exam.

In order to pass the HBSE 12th Result 2023, students need to secure a minimum of 33% marks in each subject.  Last year, the HBSE results were declared by the board 42 days after the completion of the board exams. This year, it has now been more than 46 days since the exams were conducted. 

How to check HBSE class 12th Result 2023 Via Mobile Application?

Students can check their HBSE class 12th result 2023 through the mobile application. They can follow the steps that are mentioned below to get their class 12th marks.

  • Step 1: Download the Board of School, Haryana app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store 
  • Step 2: Register or Sign up on the application using the required details such as email address, name, and phone number
  • Step 3: After this, go to the “Results” page available
  • Step 4: Login using the result portal by selecting course or entering the roll number
  • Step 5: The HBSE class 12th Result 2023 will be displayed on the screen

Related: HBSE 12th Result 2023 in Hindi Live Updates: कुछ ही देर में जारी होगा एचबीएसई हरियाणा बोर्ड 12वीं का रिजल्ट, इस लिंक से करे चेक

How To Check Haryana Board Results 2023 in offline mode? 

Apart from the official websites, candidates can also check their marksheets in offline mode via SMS. They can check their scores through SMS by following the steps given below: 

Result Name 


Send To 

HBSE Board class 10 Result 2023

RESULTHB10 {Roll-Number}


HBSE Haryana Board class 12th Result 2023

RESULTHB12 {Roll-Number}


Where to check Haryana Board HBSE Results 2023?

Around 2.6 lakh students who have appeared for the BSEH Haryana board can check their results in online mode through the official website. The result can be checked at the official website that has been provided below: 


Official link to check HBSE Results 2023




Also Check- HBSE 12th Result 2023 LIVE Updates: BSEH Haryana Board Class 12 at 3pm on, Check HBSE 10th Result Date Updates

How to check Haryana Board Result 2023 for Classes 10 and 12 Online?

Students can check the steps given below to know how to check the HBSE classes 10, 12th result from the official website 

Step 1: Visit the official website of Haryana board i.e.

Step 2: Click on the Haryana Board class 10th and 12th result link provided on the homepage

Step 3: A new result window will appear on the screen

Step 4: Enter the roll number and date of birth

Step 5: After this, click on the ‘Find Result’ to proceed further

Step 6: Download or screenshot it for future use 

How to check HBSE Result 2023 via SMS?

In case the official website of the Haryana Board crashes due to heavy traffic or any type of technical glitches, there’s no need to worry, as students can also check their HBSE class 10th, 12th results via SMS. They can follow the given instructions below:

Step 1: Open an SMS application on your mobile

Step 2: To check HBSE result 2023 for class 10th, type the message: RESULTHB10 {Roll-Number}

Step 3: To check class 12th result 2023, type the message: RESULTHB12 {Roll-Number} 

Step 4: Now, send this text message to 56263

Step 5: The HBSE class 10th, 12th results 2023 will be appear on the mobile screen

Step 6: Save that message for future use

Also Read: HBSE 12th Result 2023 Today at 3 PM, Check Haryana Board Class 12 Result at with Roll Number

Source link #12th #Result #Direct #Official #Website #Links #Check #HBSE #Class #Result

By bpci

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