CAT 2023 notification today on, check details

Competitive Exams in India 2023: Read More About Upcoming Competitive Exams | Hindustan Times

The notification for Common Admission Test (CAT 2023) will be issued today, July 30. Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow will release the CAT 2023 notification on the exam website, Schedule of activities, including registration and exam dates, will also be announced along in the notification.

CAT 2023 notification today on (Representational image)(Unsplash)

Syllabus of the exam, eligibility criteria, registration fee, examination pattern, marking scheme, etc. will also be mentioned in the notification.

As per previous year’s pattern, CAT is held in computer-based mode that assesses a candidate’s ability of critical thinking. The test consists of three parts: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Aptitude (Quants). The duration of the test is two hours. Any change in the exam pattern will be mentioned in the notification.

CAT scores are used by IIMs and other participating B-Schools to admit student to their MBA courses. There is no centralised counselling process and candidates have to apply for admission separately on the websites of the participating institutions.

Qualifying in CAT does not guarantee admission as institutes have further admission rounds, which may include written test, group discussion and personal interview.

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By bpci

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