CBSE 12th Supplementary Result Application for Verification Begins Today at – News18

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Only students who apply for CBSE mark verification are entitled to request photocopies of answer booklets in the said subjects (Representative Image)

Application for CBSE class 12 supplementary result verification of marks will be available starting today, August 3

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released a notice with instructions on how to acquire photocopies of answer sheets, verify the scores received in CBSE supplemental results and re-evaluation of answers. As stated in the announcement, the application for CBSE result verification of marks will be available starting today, August 3. Additionally, the deadline for registering to receive photocopies of the CBSE answer sheets is August 9.

On August 14, applicants can submit a form for the re-evaluation of their CBSE 12th-grade results. The application form will be accessible online at the official website and may even be filled out on holidays. The board has also highlighted that there will be no acceptance of applications submitted in offline mode or after the specified deadline. Only students who apply for CBSE mark verification are entitled to request photocopies of answer booklets in the said subjects.

Photocopies of the Answer Book (s) under RTI-Act-2005 shall be given in accordance with the terms of the RTI Act, 2005. The RTI Act, however, does not allow for and would not consider requests for verification and/or reevaluation.

The application fee for CBSE class 12th result verification of marks is Rs 500 per subject, according to the notification published. Those wishing to receive a copy of evaluated answer books must pay Rs 700 for each answer booklet. In addition, students must pay Rs 100 for each theory questions for CBSE 12th supplementary result re-evaluation.

CBSE Supplementary Result Re-evaluation Dates 2023

Events Dates Fees
Verification of marks of CBSE 12th supplementary result August 3 to 4 Rs 500 per subject
Obtaining photocopies of evaluated answer booklets August 9, till 11:59 PM Rs 700 per answer booklet
CBSE 12 supplementary revaluation August 14, till 11:59 PM  Rs 500 per question

The notice states that only one application for each phase per student would be accepted in the online procedure. The board also stated that even a one-mark decline will have an impact on the final result.

Furthermore, the CBSE class 12 revaluation result would be final, with no room for appeal or revision. In circumstances where there is a change in marks – either an increase or a decrease – CBSE stated that such applicants must first submit their mark sheet and certificate.

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#CBSE #12th #Supplementary #Result #Application #Verification #Begins #Today #News18

By bpci

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