CBSE Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 MCQs of Biology Chapter 14

Jagran Josh

Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 MCQs: Practice important MCQs from Chapter 14 Breathing and Exchange of Gases of Class 11 Biology. These chapter-wise MCQs are important for the upcoming CBSE Class 11 Biology Board Exam 2024.

CBSE Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 MCQs

CBSE Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 MCQs

Breathing and Exchange of Gases MCQs: Multiple-choice questions are an essential part of the CBSE examination. These questions are beneficial for precisely analysing student learning, as the response will either be right or wrong. The initial section of almost all CBSE exams in senior classes consists of MCQs. Thus, practicing the same would help score higher marks.

This article is designed to help CBSE Class 11 Biology students prepare for the Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 MCQs. These Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 MCQs with answers will give you an idea of what and how the questions can be asked. Check and download the MCQs from below.



Breathing and Exchange of Gases Class 11 MCQs

1. In humans, which of the following is the primary respiratory pigment responsible for oxygen transport?

Career Counseling

a. Haemoglobin

b. Myoglobin

c. Hemocyanin

d. Chlorophyll


2. During inhalation, which muscle contracts to increase the volume of the thoracic cavity?

  1. Diaphragm
  2. Intercostal muscles
  3. Abdominal muscles
  4. Pectoral muscles


3. The exchange of gases in the alveoli of the lungs occurs between:

  1. Oxygen and nitrogen
  2. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
  3. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
  4. Oxygen and water vapor


4. Which of the following respiratory disorders is characterized by chronic inflammation and narrowing of the airways?

  1. Pneumonia
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Asthma
  4. Emphysema


5. In which part of the human respiratory system does the actual exchange of gases with the blood occur?

  1. Bronchi
  2. Trachea
  3. Alveoli
  4. Pharynx


6. What is the role of surfactant in the alveoli of the lungs?

  1. It transports oxygen in the blood.
  2. It reduces surface tension, preventing alveolar collapse.
  3. It promotes carbon dioxide diffusion.
  4. It facilitates mucus production.

7. During exhalation, which of the following processes occurs?

  1. Diaphragm contracts, increasing lung volume
  2. Rib cage expands, lowering air pressure in the lungs
  3. Diaphragm relaxes, decreasing lung volume
  4. Air is drawn into the lungs


8. What is the function of the epiglottis during swallowing?

  1. To allow air into the trachea
  2. To prevent food from entering the trachea
  3. To produce mucus for lubrication
  4. To regulate oxygen exchange


9. In which form is most of the carbon dioxide transported in the blood?

  1. Dissolved in plasma
  2. Bound to haemoglobin
  3. As bicarbonate ions
  4. As free gas molecules


10.  The volume of air inspired or expired during normal respiration is called

  1. Tidal Volume
  2. Residual Volume
  3. Vital Capacity
  4. Total Lung Capacity

Answer Key

1. a Hemoglobin

2. a Diaphragm

3. b Oxygen and carbon dioxide

4. c Asthma

5. c Alveoli

6. b It reduces surface tension, preventing alveolar collapse.

7. c Diaphragm relaxes, decreasing lung volume

8. b To prevent food from entering the trachea

9. c As bicarbonate ions

10. a Tidal Volume


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CBSE Class 11 Revised NCERT Textbooks (All Subjects)

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