Jagran Josh
Footprints Without Feet Class 10 Notes: This article brings to you revision notes for CBSE Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet Chapter 5 Footprints Without Feet. These short and handwritten notes have been prepared after a thorough reading and analysis of the chapter. A PDF download link has also been provided in the article for your reference.
As part of the revision notes, students can find the synopsis of the story, the theme of the story, a summary of Footprints Without Feet, and more here. Checking these notes can help you clear your doubts related to the chapter, if any.
Revision Notes for CBSE Class 10 English Footprints Without Feet
Synopsis of the Story
The story is based on an incident from the life of Griffin the scientist whose experiment of converting the human body into a transparent object like a thin glass sheet turned out to be a blunder for everyone else. Check the summary below to know more.
Theme of the Story
The story is about the concept of greediness. It explores the concept that curiosity and lawlessness can lead to misery even for oneself. Not always, do the experiments work out in favour of human beings and how can one’s self-obsession create a blunder for everyone else around?
Summary of Footprints Without Feet
Two children were following the muddy footsteps of a man who was invisible. They kept on following their footsteps until it became fainter and fainter and disappeared finally. But it was not hard for them to guess who the invisible man was. He was a scientist named Griffin who had taken some drugs to prove that the human body can become invisible. After taking the drugs, his body became as thin as a glass sheet but was as solid as a glass.
Though he was an intelligent scientist, he was a lawless man and his landlord hated him and tried to eject him. In the urge for revenge, he set the house on fire and left his clothes behind so that he could not be recognized. But, it was rather a bad time for him to walk naked on the streets of London in mid-winter. So, he needed some clothes to feel warmth.
He went to a shop and picked up some clothes to protect himself from the breezy London winters. Post that, he went to a restaurant to have a good meal and a grocery store to buy some wine for himself. Then, he spent the night over a bundle of quilts. His life was sorted now only if he had woken up on time. As soon as he saw people came running towards him, he woke up and ran as fast as he could. He threw all of his clothes to become invisible again. Then, he decided to go to a theatrical shop this time so that he could get a fake nose, and bandages to create an artificial face along with the clothes. He did as he thought and attacked the shopkeeper from behind and robbed him.
He went to a village nearby named Iping. He booked rooms at the local inn and convinced the landlord and the landlady that his purpose of visiting the place was solitude and he did not wish to be disturbed. He also said that an attack led him to appear strange. They were convinced and let him stay. But soon, his money was finished but he told the landlords that he was expecting a cheque very soon.
One day, the clergyman and his wife woke up to some weird noises in the study. As they caught hold of the shoulder of the man, he disappeared. Later, the same morning, the landlord and wife were up early and saw the scientist’s room wide open. They went in and started looking for things here and there. Soon, they were smashed by the chair which belonged to the land lady’s mother, and were thrown out of the room.
They thought that the room was haunted and the man was responsible for bringing the spirits home. Neighbors thought that it was an act of witchcraft. But, soon everyone suspected the Griffin scientist for the extraordinary affairs that were taking place. The suspicion grew stronger when he had the money to pay rent when he had earlier accepted the fact that he was cashless. A village constable was secretly called for an investigation. But before the constable could start with his investigation, Mrs Hall went up to the man and started enquiring the man about all the past incidents.
The scientist was furious and said that he would show them how all of the events occurred and started throwing his clothes up in the air. Mr Jaffers the constable was shocked by the event but was dedicated enough to catch hold of the thief his magistrate had demanded. Everyone in the club tried to catch hold of the invisible man but soon they would wear a blow on their bodies from nowhere.
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