CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23: Download Syllabus and Assessment Scheme 

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23: Check CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus for the academic session 2022-2023. Download the latest curriculum to know the required course content to be prepared for CBSE Class 10 German Annual Exam 2022-23.

CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23: Class 10 Syllabus and Assessment Scheme for the foreign language German is available for free access on the academic website of CBSE. Candidates appearing for the CBSE board exams 2022-23 can get ready for the upcoming board examinations using this. 

German is an optional foreign language course offered by CBSE to students from class 6 onwards. Although learning any new language is considered difficult, 10 to 16 is generally considered the ideal age group to learn a foreign language. However, it definitely takes time, practice and commitment. It’s the same with the German language. The syllabus of German in CBSE class 10 is more focused on communication and practical usage than grammar. 

The assessment scheme for CBSE Class 10 German, in short, is as follows:

Section A – Reading  20
Section B – Writing 10
Section C – Applied Grammar  30
Section D -Textbook  20
Internal Assessment 20

View the complete syllabus for CBSE Class 10 German below:

Class X 

Lesson  Situation/Topic Speech intention Structure
Lesson 6 Food To present a topic To state advantages and disadvantagesTo conclude a presentation To thank the audience for their interest Indirect questions with question words and using “ob”Adjectives in Nominative and Accusative case without article 
Lesson 7 Media and Advertisements To report about something To ask for directions and describe the route To formulate a slogan for an advertisement Simple past tensePrepositions of place and direction in Accusative, Dative and Mixed Relative clause: Relative pronouns with prepositions.Degrees of adjectives: comparative and superlative
Lesson 8 Learning languages  To talk about limitations To talk about one’s own experience with a foreign language To negotiate Subordinate clauses: “weil” and “obwohl”Past perfect tense(Not to be tested in Grammar)
Lesson 9 Involvement in social causes To narrate about one’s own lifeTo speculate To state the order of events Relative clause: relative pronoun “wo”, “was”(Not to be tested in Grammar)Clause of time: “als” Clause of time:“nachdem”(Not to be tested in Grammar) 

Deleted Portion 

Lessons  Grammar Topics 
Lesson 8 Past perfect tense
Lesson 9 Relative clause: relative pronoun “wo”, “was” Clauses of time: “nachdem” 
Landeskunde Following pages not to be evaluated. Textbook pages 56, 57 Workbook Pages 64 and 94, 95


CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23

Internal Assessment, Class X 

  (Total weightage out of 20)
1. Periodic tests, dictations 5/20
2. Listening comprehensions 5/20
3. Speaking activities – role play, presentations, recitation… (could be conducted as individual or group activity) 5/20
4. Regularity and quality of classwork & homework 5/20

PRESCRIBED TEXT BOOK: Beste Freunde B 1.1 (Lessons 5-8)

 (Hueber Publications, Published in India by Goyal Publishers)


  • Team Deutsch 2/1 
  • Planet 2 
  • Ping Pong 2 
  • Wir 3 
  • Langenscheidt Euro Dictionary 
  • K.M. Sharma; German-Hindi/ Hindi-German Dictionary. 
  • Rachna Publishing House

At Jagran Josh, you can also access CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23 in pdf, if you wish to download and print. 

DOWNLOAD CBSE Class 10 German Syllabus 2022-23

Best of luck to all the candidates.



What is the syllabus of Class 10 CBSE 2022-23 German?

Syllabus of Class 10 CBSE 2022-23 German covers reading, writing, applied grammar and practical usage. Check the full syllabus and assessment scheme on Jagran Josh.

Is CBSE 10th German 2022-23 syllabus reduced?

Yes. You can check the deleted portion for the Class 10 German syllabus in this article on Jagran

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