CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24: Download in PDF

Jagran Josh

CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24: CBSE syllabus for Class 10 Home Science for the 2023-24 session is provided in this article. Check and download the PDF of new syllabus of CBSE Class 10 Home Science here.

CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus 2023-2024: Class 10 Home Science syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for the 2023-24 academic session is provided in this article. The CBSE Class 10 Home Science Syllabus is made available in readable as well as downloadable options. This syllabus is important to know the details of Home Science curriculum including course contents, marking scheme, exam pattern and details of practical assessment. The CBSE syllabus of Class 10 Home Science for the new academic session 2023-24 has been released. The knowledge and skills acquired through the study of Home Science facilitate development of self, family and community. Hence, the subject is not only important for boosting the overall scores in CBSE Class 10 Board Exam Results but also necessary to inculcate life management skills in learners.

CBSE Class 10 Home Science (Code No.064) Syllabus 2023-24

Course Structure:

Annual Board Examination

70 Marks

Internal Assessment

30 Marks


100 Marks

Time Allowed for Theory Paper – 3 Hours

CBSE Class 10 Home Science Unit-Wise Weightage Distribution



No. of Periods

I. Human Growth & Development – II



II. Management of Resources



III. Food and Personal Hygiene



IV. Meal Planning



V. Food Safety and Consumer Education



VI. Care and Maintenance of Fabrics and Apparel









 Grand Total



Also Read: CBSE Class 10 Syllabus 2023-24 of All Subjects (PDF) 

Unit I: Human growth & development II

a) Play (birth-5 years), role of play in growth & development of children. Types of play active, passive, natural, serious and exploratory, selection of play material for children.

b) Childhood (3 to11 years)-Age specific milestones- Physical, motor ,social, emotional, cognitive and language

c) Adolescents : Special Features- Physical and biological, motor ,social, emotional, Cognitive and language

Unit II: Management of Resources: Time, Energy and Money

a) Time Management – Definition and Importance

b) Time plans – Factors affecting time plan

c) Energy Management : Definition and Importance d) Fatigue and work Simplification

Unit III: Food and Personal Hygiene

a) Principles of hygienic handling and serving of food

b) Hygiene in kitchen

c) Personal hygiene of food handler

d) Hygiene during food storage

Unit IV: Meal Planning

a) Concept of Meal Planning

b) Factors affecting meal planning – age, sex, climate, occupation, cost of food items, number of family members, occasion, availability of food, family traditions, likes and dislikes

c) Basic food groups given by ICMR

d) Use of food groups in planning balanced meal for self and family.

Unit V: Food Safety and Consumer Education

a) Problems faced by Consumer- Price variation, poor quality, Faulty weights and measures, Non-availability of goods, Misleading information, Lack of standardized products

b) Food adulteration : Concept, adulterants(Metanil yellow, Argemone ,Kesari dal) and harmful effects of these adulterants on human health,

c) Food Safety Standards-FSSAI (2006)

Unit VI: Care and Maintenance of Fabrics and Apparel

a) Cleaning and finishing agents used in routine care of clothes.

b) Stain Removal

c) Storage of cotton, silk, wool and synthetics

Practicals (30 Marks)

1. Make a suitable play material for children between birth to 5 years (group activity)

2. Plan a balanced meal for yourself.

3. Make a time plan to self for one day.

4. Write a report on any five malpractices you have observed in the market and write your responsibilities as a consumer in each context.

5. Prepare a slogan/poster to create awareness on consumer education

6. Remove stains from white cotton fabric: curry, grease, ball pen ink, lipstick, tea and coffee

7. List five areas of agreement and disagreement each with parents, siblings and friends, and give your suggestion to improve the relationships.

Scheme for Practical Examination


Lab Activity



Plan a balanced meal for yourself

5 Marks


Prepare a time plan for self for one day

5 Marks


Remove any two stain from white cotton sample- curry, grease, ball pen ink, lipstick, tea and coffee

5 Marks


Play Material

8 Marks


File Work

5 Marks



2 Marks

NOTE: Internal Choice of 30% will be given

Easy- 20%

Average- 60%

Difficult- 20%

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